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Hey, I'm Sally Hope!

Renegade life coach, leader of the Wildheart Revolution, pun fanatic, hot-pink lipstick lover and country dancer. Native Californian who now hangs out in Montana.




Change this text to what you feel would represent.

In the past 6 years I’ve lived in Costa Rica (while running my business from the beach), traveled across the country and back (twice) in a 34 foot RV (named Bessie Lou), while doing random acts of kindness and recording it for weekly episodes as Girls Gone Moto (gaining the attention of the Travel Channel).

Built my business from the ground up. I traveled in a van with me and my dog and no plan. I ventured out on my own. Cried a lot. Went hunting. Cried some more. Moved to Montana. (Cried). Bought a motorcycle. Started the Wildheart Revolution. Closed the Wildheart Revolution. Got my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. And bought my own house in Montana.

Prior to my life as a Wildhearted Life Coach (got my training and CPCC certification through The Coaches Training Institute), I was an honor student at UCSB (BA in Social Psychology), a bass player in a touring rock n roll band, a crossword puzzle writer, a nanny, and a (self-proclaimed) ping-pong champion.


Change this to something cool here.

I love great conversation, deep connections, good bourbon, creativity, RV-ing, Joan Jett, skeet shooting, laughing with my whole face, astrology, two-steppin’, bubbly water, silliness and motorcycle boots. I believe in LOVE, community, being a nice person, self-reflection, and living a #wildhearted life, and am passionate about creating a space for people to live exactly how they want to.

If this is you, come find me inside the Wildheart Revolution, work with me 1:1 in the Wildheart Session, or hang out with me over on Facebook.

It’s about to get wild.

... it's about to get wild.

THE MASH : The SWL Journey



What I said to myself when I first moved to Los Angeles, and understood that I wasn’t bigger or smaller than anyone else—that we can get anything we want when we’re grounded in
who we are.

Sally marches to the beat of her own drum. Which I think is rad (for obvious reasons).”

—TOMMY LEE, Motley Crue tommylee.com


What I told myself every time I got on stage to perform when I was in a rock n roll band. What I said even louder when I opened for Bon Jovi in front of 18,000 people—and realized that no one knows who you are until you tell them with your own voice.

Sally is honest, courageous and an inspiration.”



What I thought to myself when I picked up and moved to Costa Rica. And then went on two RV roadtrips—one with a mission to affect hundreds of lives with kindness.
And then when I realized I wasn’t done traveling, and set out on my solo journey— discovering that even though I only had a map, I was okay with not having a plan.

Sally hope embodies the spirit of the wild heart. She’ll push you out of your comfort zone, redefine your boundaries and show you a way to look at the world that you might never have seen.”

—SRINI RAO, blogcastfm.com


Coach P no longer wants you to survive but to thrive on your terms, by your own standards. Tap into the success and freedoms of aligning with your highest self. Master your life with her coaching program intensives.




You By Design is a 9 month virtual group coaching experience with Coach P.

This journey is for those who are ready to create and activate a life that they feel good about living. It includes 9 powerful monthly virtual group sessions to support + guide you as you create a life on your own terms on purpose.  Our focus will be your wellness, abundance and connections. We will journey for a complete 9 months and conclude with you ready to step two feet in your incredible life by design! Each manifestor will receive a YBD Powerbox full of all the tools we will need for our journey.

Get ready to uproot challenges and obstacles in three key areas of your life: health, wealth, and relationships. This can include feeling unworthy, self-sabotage, settling, fears and anxieties. We will breakthrough and resolve each, empowering you to show up bigger and stronger in your personal and professional life.
You By Design will start January 8 – September 17, 2023




Life Mastery Ignite is virtual course for those who are beginning their journey of personal development + for those who have been out of practice and want to refresh their foundation in preparation for You By Design.

This course is for those who are ready to start their journey of growth, healing and self focus in a self paced virtual flow. After enrolling in LMI you will have access to 9 powerful pre-recorded sessions and worksheets that will guide you through self mastery and the 3 major components in your life, your health, wealth and relationships.  Each LMI’er will have the option to download all sessions and worksheets for lifetime access. 

Access to Life Mastery Ignite Course will begin January 1, 2023

I am Sally Hope.

A renegade life coach and soulful wildheart. And I’m here to tell you that you, too, are a Wildheart. A magnetic, courageous, adventurous person who says yes, and sometimes no, and changes the world when you do.

I’m an unconventional traditionalist leading the Wildheart Revolution. I see the days
when we’re out on the road together, cruising on our motorcycles with Wildheart etched
onto our leather jackets, looking at each other and thinking: This. Is. Freedom.

Sally Hope is like this combo of Jack Daniels and yoga.”



We’re ripping apart at the seams of our lives and exploring every fabric with new eyes.
Seeing the adventure with every turn we take, and coming alive as we finally begin to
hear the beats of our own drums, roaring across the sky.

And you? You’re raw. Open. I see every inch of you and I bring it out, showing you who you are and how to see it with love. You want to free your spirit, to feel confident and
strong, so that you know how to stand for your truth. You know how to take the leap.
You know exactly what you need to feel alive.

And me? I want to live in a world where your magnetic field can be spotted from a mile
away. To see you bringing your passion into your relationships, to knowing what you
deserve, to understanding that it all starts with you—and when you rock, so does your
life, love, and business.

I’ve broken up with a guy I thought I was supposed to marry. I’ve ventured out by myself
without a plan, knowing that all I had was uncertainty. I’ve been unsure of who I’m
supposed to be and what I should be doing. But I threw ‘shoulds’ out the window and I
bared my soul.

I said ‘no’ to a world class university and I left an industry I thought was
my dream. And now I’m here, with more than a few notches on my belt to show you how
you can bring your best self to the table every day, give you the keys to unlock what’s
holding you back, and set out on the road with me for your Wildheart Adventure.

Throw your preconceptions out the window, Sally’s gunna blow your mind.”

—SHANNON DRAKE, CEO www.shantastical.com

This is where we lay it all out. This is where we get to the heart of the matter. This is
where we say yes to who we’re supposed to be.

Dig deep with me, in the hour session that will radically change your life. Meet your fellow wildhearts—because they’re dying to meet you.

And remember, Wildheart:

This is only the beginning.

Welcome, Wildheart!