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The Wildheart Revolution Congrats, Wildheart. You've landed. Welcome home.

Things are about to get SO amazing up in here you won’t even recognize your former life.

Dear Wild One,

What if a month from now you woke up to a life with more joy, love, and freedom than you ever imagined possible—without hiring an expensive coach or taking the latest ‘7 steps to success’ program?

Imagine what life would look like on the open road, with the wind in your hair and a personal soundtrack that would put this summer’s Hollywood blockbuster to shame.

(Even if the ‘open road’ is your own living room and the soundtrack is only playing inside your head.)

Imagine a life (YOUR life) worthy of the wildheart that beats within you. . .

A wildheart that seeks freedom not only for you, but for the entire world.

Let the Wildheart Revolution begin.

Hey, I heard you were a wild one.

You are a Wild one.

One part (peacefully) rebellious dreamer, one part ‘make it work in the real world’ doer.

You’re strong. Successful. And you’ve done plenty of work to get where you are today.

But let’s face it.

Even those of us who totally have our shit together still have needs.

Sometimes. . .

  • We get lost, scared, frustrated, or sad navigating life in this great big world (yes, we are human after all!)
  • We’re not quite sure how to make the adventurous choices before us (quit that job, travel around the world, decide to have a baby, decide NOT to have one. . .)
  • We need a little help making the day-to-day decisions that define a life (“Should I actually go on this trip? Should I take this job or start my own gig? Should we break up or stay together?”)
  • We can even feel (no matter how much personal & spiritual development we’ve done– or even BECAUSE of all that) isolated, confused, and misunderstood
  • And sometimes, we can find ourselves wide awake at 3AM thinking, “I don’t know what the heck I’m doing with my life!”

And when you’re strong, and smart, and leader-like. . . it can be hard to open up and be vulnerable about these things.

You might think others will construe your humanness as weakness.

And where would you share that ‘weakness’, anyway? On your own Facebook page?

(“Hell no, I have a brand to maintain!”)

You don’t necessarily resonate with the sticky-sweet, pump-you-up, ‘positive thinking’ personal development world.

And you’re pretty darn particular about your friends—which is why you actually have relatively few really, really close ones.

What you need is a safe space where you can be yourself.

Where you can not only get help & support for the most challenging parts of your life, but a solid, keep-it-real, “I totally GET you!” gang that can:

  • Help you see the best in yourself even when you can’t
  • Hold you to your highest good without being all difficult, perfectionist, or overly ‘woo’ about it (daily green juice not required!)
  • Help you take all the personal development work you’ve already done and use it to create REAL change in your life—maybe for the first time ever

And where, most importantly, the Real You is called forth—that highest part of you that can sometimes get pulled down into the everyday business of living a human life.

You need a place where you can safely be HUMAN instead of feeling like you have to be perfect all the time.

And where you can do that without staying in the lower vibes of venting, griping, or getting all caught up in others’ rants, either.

Well, what if you COULD have all that—plus a badass, fun, totally-devoted-to-you team of coaches who can teach you a few new (life-changing) tricks, too?

And NO, I’m not talking about another expensive coaching program, seminar, or retreat that’s just covering the basics anyway (the stuff you already know, but sometimes aren’t quite doing). Look, I’m almost afraid to say this, but. . .

The coaching model is broken.

People are spending thousands upon thousands of dollars (often borrowing from tomorrow’s bank balance) talking through their ‘stuff’ and getting nowhere.

And why?

Well, you know how you can read a great book or take an awesome program and think you’ve found the Holy Grail of whatever the problem was you were struggling with. . .

And then like 4 days later find yourself right back in the same place? (Right?!?)

Here’s the thing. True change happens through EXPERIENCE.

And sometimes you just need to keep bringing your ‘thing’ up, over and over again.

Not like a crutch.

But like something you’re genuinely working to change in your life.

And it does no good to go around feeling ashamed and sad that this ‘thing’ keeps popping up for you.

What you need is to be able to keep going, keep applying energy, and practice, and patience, and forgiveness, and kindness to that issue.

Until it just falls away. Because so much love & light has been directed at it that it just can’t hide anymore.

And one-on-one coaching (while it is super valuable and I’m not knocking it!) can get so expensive when you’re going through that process.

Plus, think about it—when do you most need help?

If you’re like most of us, it’s usually not when your coaching session is scheduled. (Like who has time to pre-schedule their problems for a particular date on the calendar?)

No, when you most need help is NOW. . .

When you’ve just had an argument with someone you love. Or when it’s 3 in the morning and fear has taken over your mind. Or when it’s 8 in the morning on a Tuesday and you’re headed out for that job interview you’re not sure you want to go on.

That’s why I’m soooo excited to bring you the Wildheart Revolution.

Top-notch ‘any day of the week’ coaching, at a no-brainer price, with a carefully curated community of the coolest, most interesting & dynamic people in the world.

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Let Your Wildheart Run Free

There’s nothing else like it.

The Wildheart Revolution is a place where you can let your wild heart run free—while knowing you DO have a grand purpose that needs energy, action, and accountability to come to life.

Sound awesome?

Okay, in a minute I’m gonna tell you about every morsel of juicy goodness. But first, a little bit about me. (Just a smidge, ‘cause the Wildheart Revolution is about YOU!)

“Sally Hope couldn’t have a more appropriate last name. What she brings to the world – HOPE – she brings so honestly and from such a pure-hearted place. She’s gorgeous, sparkly, and full of life. And you know how you sometimes kinda don’t like people like that? ;) Well, when you’re around Sally all you feel is this expansive sense that YOU can be even more gorgeous, sparkly, and full of life just by being in her presence. She’s definitely one of those magical souls who leaves every room a better place than the way she found it.”—Helen Hunter Mackenzie, CEO

Why am I leading this revolution, anyway?

Some years ago I walked out on the guy I had thought I was going to marry.

I don’t know quite how to describe it, but if you’ve ever gone through an experience like that you probably feel me here.

It had taken me three years to make the decision to leave him (I always knew he wasn’t right for me, even though there was nothing ‘wrong’ with him at all).

And when I finally DID leave, I did it knowing I was inflicting pain on someone I loved—and fearing I might be exchanging the role of ‘blushing bride’ for that of ‘old cat lady in her bathrobe pacing back and forth on the front porch with a shotgun’. But leave I did. And thank God. Because since then, I’ve:

  • Lived in Costa Rica, running my business from the beach
  • Hopped in an RV with my friend and my dog and traveled across the country and back twice, committing Random Acts of Kindness (and video taping it all) as Girls Gone Moto—even getting the attention of the Travel Channel who did a show about us!
  • Took off in a van with just me and my dog and a map, with no plan and no safety net
  • Moved to the wide open expanse of Montana without knowing anyone there
  • Bought a motorcycle (yeah, baby!!!)

And learned that who I am, without a guy by my side defining that for me, is pretty damn sweet.

I had to rely on myself, depend on myself, make decisions for myself, and love and trust myself. And I’m more me than I ever thought possible.

Before that I didn’t know who I was outside of my circumstances.

Like you, I had a lifetime of experiences (like being bass player of a rock n’ roll band in Hollywood, going on tour, hanging out with Tommy Lee and Eddie Van Halen, opening for Bon Jovi in front of 10s of thousands of people. . . and don’t even get me started on the rest of my life!).

And I’d already spent over a decade (and thousands of dollars) on my own self-development, and even turned down a top choice Master’s program so I could learn how to be a Life Coach.

But it wasn’t until I stripped away the story of who I was through my circumstances, that I found who I really was at heart.

The Wildheart I was made of.

And you know what? I also got really, really lucky along the way.

Along the way I had some awesome mentors to help me. They taught me about life.

Loved me when I didn’t love myself. Were there for me even when I didn’t show up.

And showed me what unconditional love and support is.

They reminded me that I was shiny, when I had become so dull.

They said, “You can do it…I believe in you,” or, “You’re awesome…start acting like it,” when I was crumpled on the floor, a sobbing mess, wondering how on earth I was ever going to get up.

And with their help, I DID get up. And began to live a life beyond what I’d dreamed possible.

These are the moments that define us.

Not who we’ve been (although I can’t wait to find out the wildly interesting and surprising and dynamic and amazing person YOU’VE been so far!), but who we’re becoming, right now.

It’s the choices we make, right now, that make the difference.

To stay curled up, safe, and scared– or to get up off the floor and keep going. And MY choice, right now?

To start a revolution.

“If you’re thinking of hiring a life coach, Sally Hope is THE clear choice. I’m in love with her energy, her honesty, her whip-smart savvy and off-the-hook talent. She’s the Universe’s answer to the dry, corporate coach with a checklist of items to cross off and no soul. She’ll make you feel & see your specialness so you can do & have what you want in life. Hire this woman if you think you can handle feeling like it’s your birthday every day of the year!”—Erika Lyremark, Creator & Mastermind, Daily Whip

I’ve coached hundreds over the years, and I’ve picked up a couple of tricks along the way.

I know, for instance, that being reminded every week to practice what you already know you ought to do it is what creates real change (not scooping up even MORE info from products and programs).

I know that having a community to support you and provide much-needed accountability can make all the difference in whether someone follows through on the changes she really wants to make.

And I know that when you combine solid, timeless wisdom with a badass, edgy, FUN sense of adventure, you can take super complex & spiritual ideas and bring them down to earth in a way that helps you see concrete changes in your life (often for the first time ever).

And that’s what the Wildheart Revolution is all about.

AND. . . it’s about doing all that in a way that won’t break the bank.

The Wildheart Revolution fills 4 Needs: 1) coaching without feeling like you’re being irresponsible with your money, 2) coaching with a rad community of brave and vulnerable people, 3) coaching with a rad, brave, beautiful, vulnerable leader, and 4) it’s EASY. It’s like a little family. And i love it.
—Sarah Ramey, Musician at Wolf Larsen, Artist, Official Smarty Pants

Tucked away in the Wildheart Community, amazing things happen every single day with some of the coolest, most creative and inspiring people you’ll ever meet.

When you are a part of Wildheart, you get so much more than business or life coaching. You get to work on all of you and find your way to being your Wildhearted self.

Here’s the rundown on everything that Wildheart includes and how it helps you be a true Wildheart in all parts of your life.


Bi-Weekly Live Group Coaching Call with Sally: When your Wildheart gets a little lost and you need to be steered back on track with a swift (and totally loving) kick in the back pocket of your jeans.
($1200 value)

Weekly Facebook ‘Office Hours’ with Sally: Get personal coaching on any question, problem or challenge in the secret Facebook group.
($300 value)

Weekly Love/Relationships Coaching Facebook Office Hours’: Wildheart’s resident Love Coach (Natalie Vartanian) will answer all of your relationship questions.
($300 value)

Weekly Tarot Readings: Yes please! Our Wildheart Tarot Reader (Natalie Vartanian) will pull a card for whatever question you have in your life.
($300 value)

Work with Sally One-on-One: Get preferred pricing if you decide to work one-on-one with Sally as a Wildheart member.
($1000 value)

I’m not one for joining “groups” I pretty much think I have the world figured out, but something just seemed right about the Wildheart Revolution. It’s all about freedom and self expression and camaraderie in the most un-self help group sort of way possible. I’ve met the most awesome fearless people there and it has only helped me to become even more fearless than I already was. I didn’t know how much I needed the Wildheart Revolution until now, it’s invaluable to me.
—Shannon Drake, CEO at Shantastical.com Social Media & Founder of The Dirt Paleo Skincare

Weekly Business Coaching Facebook ‘office hours’: Join Wildheart’s resident Business Coach and Money Making Expert (Ellen Ercolini) and get all your business questions answered.
($300 value)

Monthly Guest Teachers: Experts join us to teach you their signature THING. Coming up this month we have psychic Diana Dorell teaching us how to use our intuition to make choices in our relationships. We cover everything under the sun with guest teachers including: Business Coaching, Love/Relationship, Writing, Finances (how to have awesome relationships with MONEY), Health, Cars 101 (all you need to know to keep your car running smoothly) and much more.

($1200 value)

My favorite thing about #wildheart is based on the saying “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.” I like to be surrounded by forward moving, positive thinking, self loving individuals, and that’s who’s in the Revolution. It rocks.
—K.P. Glasheen, Wildheart Member

Weekly ‘Round Up’ Email: Get the rundown on everything that happened in the group that week so you never have to worry about missing anything.
($200 value)

Monthly Calendar: So you never miss a single Wildheart event

Wildheart Resources: Wildheart Book Suggestions, Wildheart Body discussions, and Wildheart Meditation Challenges
($600 value)

Get Involved with Wildheart: As Wildheart grows, I think it’s super important you guys have a role that goes farther than just being members.

Contests and Spontaneous Giveaways: Wear unique Wildheart jewelry, one-on-one time with Sally, and other meticulously curated products and services are up for grabs. ($1000+ value)

The Inside Scoop: Be in the know when new products, services, and retreats are released—and a first-in-line opportunity to jump in.
(value: priceless)

24- Hour Support: The secret Wildheart Facebook group (plus all the Wildheart members) is there for you anytime you have a question, need support, or want to share the excitement in your life.

One of the simplest but most impactful parts of being in the Wildheart Community is Heartwork. This is a weekly prompt for you to dig a little deeper into yourself and seek out your Wildheart. Delivered by email each week, you have time to reflect, mull it over, and then discuss with the group. When members were recently asked what they valued the most about Wildheart, Heartwork was near the top of the list.

We may talk about our personal commandments, who we need to forgive or what we must do to move on in life, but Heartwork helps explore who we are and how to be the kind of person that lives the Wildhearted life we know we want.

“Doing the Heartwork each week is simply amazing. I don’t think I can even articulately express to you how much you and this group have changed my life.”
– Erica Cominsky

A $6,400 monthly value for less than $4 a day. Pretty darn sweet (like apple pie).


Ready to live Wildheart and join the Revolution?

Your revolution is just a couple of clicks away! Simply choose which payment option you’d like and click the appropriate “Let’s Do This!” button.

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As soon as you join, you’ll get a welcome email with all the details about your new place in the Wildheart Revolution.

Meet the Wildheart Team

Sally Hope – Leader of the Wildheart Revolution + Life Coach
Renegade life coach, leader of the Wildheart Revolution, pun fanatic, hot-pink lipstick lover and country dancer. Native Californian who now canoodles in Montana.

Ellen Ercolini
Money making expert, business coach, baseball fanatic (Go Giants!), spanish speaker and Latin American adventurer, loves soaking up the rays in Oakland and my dog Huxley.

Natalie Vartanian
Tarot reader, love + relationship coach, free spirited gypsy, burlesque dancer, silly, fun loving and always up for an adventure.

The Wildheart Revolution group gives you the inspiration, courage and self-empowerment you need to do and be the things you’ve always wanted. Whether it’s finally taking up surfing, starting your own business, breaking into new social scenes or traveling the world…the Wildheart Revolution will help you take yourself there…and beyond.—Braydon Russell

Join the revolution, Wildheart.

Wildheart, let's be adventurers

Your joyful, glittery, beyond-amazing life is waiting.

Waiting for YOU to find your place in this Wildheart Revolution.

The world is waiting.

Waiting for YOU to step up and change it, one Wildheart at a time.

I (your fiercely devoted, see-and-appreciate-you, hold-you-to-your-highest-good coach) am waiting.

Waiting to help YOU set your life ablaze and do what you really came here to do.

To help you ease into who you truly are. . .

A peaceful warrior who settles for nothing less than the life you know you’re supposed to be living.

A loving rebel, who doesn’t do it like everyone else.

An open heart. A wild heart. A loving heart. Who knows there’s more to this life than meets the eye.

That’s the way of the Wildheart. And YOU are at the heart of this Revolution.

All you gotta do is say HELL YES.

Your life is about to change. In a big way. I’ll see you inside the Revolution. Your wildhearted partner in crime, Sally Hope.

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P.S. You should ONLY join the Wildheart Revolution if you want your life to improve radically. When you’re a Wildheart I guarantee you’ll start looking at life from a completely different angle. Because my interests are diverse, I share wisdom & inspiration in a totally unique way—a way that’ll stick with you long after you’ve heard it so you can actually (gasp!) USE it when you need it.

Wildhearts: Living Free with an Open Heart

Wildheart is special. Where else will you leave no stone unturned from business to your love life and continually honoring your wildheart spirit. Whether it is an around the world backpacking touring, flying solo on Saturday night with your NetFlix, jumping out of a plane or doing crafts with your kids, being wildheart is living YOUR life your way, and doing it with a open heart. Being part of this community reminds me to stop and enjoy the ride.
– Maggie Patterson

Being part of Wildheart, I have a permission slip. Now I walk through life with even more swagger and shine my light even brighter
– Elisabeth Rossman

Wildhearting with Sally changed my life, for the better and for good. After one month in the WIldheart Revolution, I have stronger tools at my disposal to handle my feelings, communicate with others, and generally rock harder at life.In the month we worked together I:
– Re-structured my business
– Launched a new, high value offering, bringing in more dolla bills
– Got my flirt on and had FUN dating (What? I know. Join for that alone)
– Made some friends
– Felt great about doing what I want, when I want, how I want (Now I just call that #Wildhearting) She’s found a great format to bring the awesome benefits of working with her to a wider audience. It’s fun, engaging, and from a facebook community, my life changed. That’s how I #Wildheart – I take things from the Internet and make my life better.—Ellen Ercolini

“Every Wildheart lesson from Sally is an aha moment. I couldn’t ask for a better person to guide me, step-by-step, to finding my true inner self. I learn so much in the Wildheart Revolution that I know I will be able to practice for the rest of my life. I always leave the group feeling like a light bulb went on. Sally is a magnificent, caring, and patient coach, and I recommend her, and the Wildheart Revolution, to anyone looking for a positive change in their life.”—Elizabeth Harper

Sally is fucking legit and from 15 minutes alone you’ll realize that and totally hop over that fence to the all-freaking-in side.”—Jamie Villarreal

“In all the times I have talked to Sally, whether solo or in the Wildheart Revolution group, I always leave hearing exactly what I needed to. I always learn something new, find a new perspective, a fruitful challenge, and wonderful inspiration.”—Ceci Barretto

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Get ready to go wildheart!

Ready, Wildheart? Find your freedom and seek your truth.

No apologies. No filter. That’s what Wildheart is all about.
Join the Wildheart community now and start your new adventure today.

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One More Thing…

By signing up you are agreeing to recurring payments from your PayPal account. Meaning, your account will be billed every 3, 6, or 12 months depending upon the membership option you choose.

If at any time before your chosen option (3, 6, or 12 months) is complete, you’d like to cancel your membership, all you have to do is cancel the payments via the PayPal confirmation you received, and you won’t be billed again. You are in no way obligated to stay beyond 3, 6 or 12 months.

You also have 14 days to check out the Revolution with NO risk at all. If within the first 14 days of joining you aren’t completely satisfied or don’t feel you received the value you were looking for, you’ll receive 100% of your money back. Send an email to sally@sallyhope.com to let us know and your money will be refunded within 14 days of receipt of your request.

Also, by signing up you are agreeing to these Terms & Conditions.



1) Why do I sign up for three months at a time?
I have found that when people commit to doing something for a certain amount of time, they get way more out of it. And from coaching hundreds of people and watching the changes with the members of the Wildheart Revolution, three months is a great amount of time to see some real changes taking place, as long as you consistently show up (and have fun!).

2) What do I do if I want to continue my membership after three months?
No worries! Your payment will recur every three months unless you cancel it via your PayPal invoice (which you can do at anytime before your three months are up in order to not have your payment recur the next round). If you choose not to continue your membership, all you gotta do is cancel before your next payment cycle. If you forget to cancel and your payment goes through, you will not receive a refund so make sure you mark your calendars when your payment cycle is going to recur!

3) You talk a lot about business when referring to the Wildheart Revolution. Do I need to be a business owner to get some value out of it?
Nope! The Wildheart Revolution is for anyone who wants to have a better life. And for a lot of my clients…being a business owner is a part of their life. But not everyone in the group is a business owner. You’ll be in great company.

4) What if I want a refund?
Customers who purchase access to The Wildheart Revolution may request a refund if for any reason they are not entirely satisfied with the program or feel that they did not receive the value they were looking for. A 100% money back guarantee is open for 14 days from the date of purchase. Send an email to sally@sallyhope.com to let us know and your money will be refunded. Your refund will be issued within 14 business days.

5) Is this a “course?” And if so, how long does it go for?
This is not a traditional course in that it doesn’t have an official start or end date. The Wildheart Revolution is an ongoing tribe. You can stay for as long or as short as you’d like and feel is right for you.

6) Will I get one on one attention?
Yes!! But only if you show up to opportunities to get it. As with anything in life, you get out what you put in. If you want personal attention, the best way to do that is show up on the coaching calls and office hours, and be very active in the FB group.
We make it really easy to get one-on-one help, either in the live coaching calls, or the three online FB coaching hours (and we also provide a place where you can ask a specific question even if you can’t make those times). In addition to that…fellow Wildhearts are incredibly helpful. So you’ll have plenty of opportunity to get help if you reach out and ask for it.

7) How will it really help me live my best life?
Wildheart is unique in that it is a wealth of opportunities and resources to have everything you might need to make a major change in your life…but you have to work it in order for it to work. Which means participating in the weekly #heartwork exercises, showing up to the coaching hours, and being active in the group.

Me and my team of Wildheart coaches are dedicated to helping you in every area of your life, which is why we have a business coaching hour, a relationship one, tarot readings, and two opportunities a week to personally get coached by me on anything you’d like. So all that is to say….if you want change in your life and you’re willing to chat about it with us, you will have all the tools you need to make major changes in your life.

8) I’m too multi-passionate. How do I know I’ll fit in here? I feel like I don’t fit in ANYWHERE?
Well…you’re in the right place. :) This is a common characteristic of many Wildhearts. We’re dynamic, introspective, multi-passionate, and wanting to live life on the skinny branches (no status quo for us).
Plus, if you don’t like it, you can just cancel your membership before the next pay period rolls around.

9) What am I actually going to get out of Wildheart? What’s in it for me?
Other than the opportunity to get top notch coaching from THREE coaches at the top of their game (for a seriously affordable price that you’ll find nowhere else on the planet), free tarot readings, a community that is there for you 24/7, free resources and tools to make your life better, you’ll get ALL the resources you might need to make changes. Whether you use all the resources in there is up to you.

Some specific results Wildheart members have seen include (but are definitely not limited to):

  1. Leaving their mediocre relationship to find the love of their life
  2. Have their first $10,000 month in their business
  3. Approach their dating partners with 100% truth, honesty, and acceptance in who they are
  4. Gotten clients, hired each other
  5. Launched successful programs in their business
  6. Felt more a sense of community and friendship than they have anywhere else
  7. Pursued their dreams (one in particular finally became a burlesque dancer which had been her dream forever)
  8. Quit their soul sucking job to pursue their passion

Basically…whatever it is you’re wanting, if you show up in the group and reach out for help when you need it and use the resources available, I believe 100% that you WILL have it.

10) If you have all the answers to my problems, why not teach them in a 4-6 week course? Why is it ongoing?
Because life does not happen in a 4-6 week period. Life happens constantly. And even the most smart, educated, aware, enlightened people need to be reminded of what they know. They need to PRACTICE what they learn. And Wildheart is a place to do that in an environment that’s fun and all-inclusive.

Also…I’ve taken courses. And they’re amazing. But what happens is that when the courses end, I go back to my same old habits. Wildheart is a way to stay accountable to what you want, and have all the resources you need to stay on track. It’s like the daily meditation practice for your life…the most important part is to keep showing up and if you do, amazing things will happen.

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Welcome, Wildheart!