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What if I told you that we could create radical life shifts…in just one hour?

That the pain you’re feeling—along with the fear, the anxiety, your overall terrified-ness of the status quo, of being mediocre, of feeling like you’re trapped—could be set free?

It can.

Because I see you.

I see through your layers of fear, of anger, of what is keeping you paralyzed and staying in the job you don’t want. Staying with the wrong person. Holding on so tightly to all of your goals…that aren’t even yours.

I hear you.

I hear your vulnerability behind every word you say—the ones that are keeping you in the same place, forcing you to stay still. To not grow. To not live from your wild heart. Because you’re a wild woman, with a soul. You feel everything. You are ready to be who you are, to bare it all to the world. But you just don’t know how. Yet.

I get you.

We get to the heart of the matter in just a few minutes. I’m zeroed in on you. You come with a question, and you leave with clarity. You say you’re not sure if you’re with the right person, and I see beyond that. And after we talk, you set yourself free.

You say you don’t know if you’ll ever find someone to love YOU. All of you. With your dynamic personality and your adventurous nature. Your extreme (and beautiful) emotions. And I see beyond that, knowing that these exact things are what make you unique and amazing.

You may say that your business isn’t going the way you want it to, and I see beyond that. After we talk, you create what sets you ablaze, what gets your heart pumping like wild. And things fall into place.

You may say that you don’t know who you are anymore, and I see beyond that. After we talk, you do everything that is who you are, and you feel yourself becoming whole, and alive again. Courageous in each choice you make, even when you feel fear. You know that the only way to be, to learn, and to grow is to feel everything.

I see you.

In just an hour. Because I’m that tuned in. Because I’ve gotten into the minds and pulled out the souls of hundreds of other women just like you.

  • You’ll get your clarity.
  • You’ll have the feeling of ‘I know what needs to be done’.
  • You’ll have understanding: of who you are, and what you’re supposed to be doing to be even more of you—to leading your own Wildheart Revolution.

In just an hour, we make radical shifts. Because you want to live, and you want to figure this out, right now. And I want nothing more than for you to come alive, to break free from every thought and fear that holds you down. Because if you’re not alive, you’re not you. And that’s your biggest fear of all.

One call with Sally Hope is the adult brain’s equivalent to 7 minutes in heaven. Quick, raw, and wondrous.”

—ANNIE PASSANISI, Executive chef at hungryentrepreneurs.com

If you’re thinking of hiring a life coach, Sally Hope is THE clear choice. I’m in love with her energy, her honesty, her whip-smart savvy and off-the-hook talent. She’s the Universe’s answer to the dry, corporate coach with a checklist of items to cross off and no soul. She’ll make you feel & see your specialness so you can do & have what you want in life. Hire this woman if you think you can handle feeling like it’s your birthday every day of the year!”

—ERIKA LYREMARK, Creator & Mastermind at www.dailywhip.com

In one call, Sally had me pumped up, standing in my own greatness, and ready to take on a challenge I was freaking out about for weeks. She has this amazing, gentle heart, yet she isn’t afraid to jump in and help you get things moving and flowing. I was amazed at the instant connection, like she was an old friend I wanted to spill all of my secrets too, because I know she always has the “right” answers.”

—AMBER BRYCE, Jewlery Designer at amberbryce.com

The Wildheart Session

will give you the path that’s the right one for you to take—the only one that will set you free.

Book Session

You’ll always know where to go. You’ll always know what to do.

You’ll always know who you are.

After you book your session, you will be sent a scheduling link and a set of questions that will help set our session on fire. Some say that these questions alone change EVERYTHING.

Throw your preconceptions out the window, Sally’s gunna blow your mind. I’ve been to a therapist once in my life and I hated it. I felt like I was just paying someone to bitch for an hour. When I met Sally I was a little skeptical of coaching, sounded like therapy and after all I had my life figured out already (besides the whole “not knowing what to do with my business part”) After two sessions with Sally I was hooked, she was fun to talk with, insanely smart and very efficient and on point with her “homework”. I made more progress in my business and personal life in the 3 months I worked with her than I had in the past YEAR on my own. If you’re a go-getter and looking for that “edge” to level yourself up in life, working with Sally is invaluable. The best investment you will make all year!”

—SHANNON DRAKE, CEO www.shantastical.com

Sally is the type of person you go to when you have problems or are feeling uninspired because she has a knack for digging up the real issues and figuring out how to deal with them. Her instincts are solid and her attitude is that of a best friend who gives good advice but pulls not a single punch. It helps that she’s able to tell you about any metaphorical spinach in your teeth with charm and ‘we’re in this together’-ness.”

—COLIN WRIGHT, Founder of exilelifestyle.com

Within 10 minutes of talking to Sally about my relationship concerns I was able to pin-point what was missing from not only my current relationship but my previously failed marriage as well. I feel like my love life has been saved from a future of being forced into a cage – it’s now been given permission to live and celebrate all the wonderful things that it is”

—LAURA JELINEK, Advocate for the Modern Man at tumblr.com/blog/laurajelinek

I went into our session feeling foggy and unclear. Sally pointed out that I was completely clear already and gracefully mirrored back to me all that I was saying in a different light that illuminating everything! I woke up the next day feeling amazing with a clear direction and a WAY better understanding of what I’m really wanting to put out in the world.”

—MARIAH NEESON, Confidence Catalyst & Mindset Maven at mariahneeson.com

I could not believe how Sally was able to dig out the core out of everything I had to say what I thought didn’t make much sense or wasn’t connected to each other. Even though I was miles away from Sally, on a different continent, with 16 hours of time difference between us and just talking on a phone to her – I felt this incredible connection. It was so easy for me to open up and talk to her. Have you heard about asking the right questions? Sally is brilliant at this too!”


Book Session

Welcome, Wildheart!