It’s so easy to be in our heads and think about how much things ARE NOT going the way we want, or focusing on things we DON’T have. So…I’ve decided, that at least once a week, on Fridays, we should all take a minute to focus on things that ARE going well. Things we’re grateful for. I’ll be putting together a list of things that I love. That I’m grateful for. Or happy about. All from this week. I’ll go, then YOU go. Leave a comment on the blog with some of the things you’re grateful for RIGHT NOW. Here goes…

I’m grateful for:

Road trips. Blue skies. Beautiful flowers. Mind-blowing, deep connecting, all-around loving friendships. Ladies night at the range. Family love. Trying new things. Being scared and doing it anyway. Health. Tall drinks of water. Learning. New persepctives. Love and support. People believing in me. Openness. Serendipity. Intuitive readings. My clients. The Universe plopping opportunities on my lap. And CHEESE! Ok…now YOU go. What are you grateful for right in this moment?

Here are some pics from my week. Hope you had a great one. Don’t forget to leave a comment with some things YOU are grateful for.

Good Morning, Beautiful.

It's More Fun That Way.

Holy Cuteness, Batman!

Love You.

Post Love-Coaching Call. Pre Shoot-Out.

Stick Em' Up.

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