May 25th, 2012
{TGIF} Try Gratitude…It’s Friday!
It’s so easy to be in our heads and think about how much things ARE NOT going the way we want, or focusing on things we DON’T have. So…I’ve decided, that at least once a week, on Fridays, we should all take a minute to focus on things that ARE going well. Things we’re grateful for. I’ll be putting together a list of things that I love. That I’m grateful for. Or happy about. All from this week. I’ll go, then YOU go. Leave a comment on the blog with some of the things you’re grateful for RIGHT NOW.
When al ele fails…and especially when you don’t want to…Try gratitude.
Here goes…
I’m grateful for:
Honesty. My clients. My silly dog. Family. Love. Dancing! A perfectly fitting pair of jeans. Serendipity. Tenderness and vulnerability. Silly animal pun memes. Miss Shannon Drake. Health. Notes From The Universe everyday. Susan Miller and her awesome astrology forecasts. New friends. Old friends. Bike rides. Hikes. Resilience. Tears. Breakthroughs. Doing things different that I’ve ever done them before. Sparks of inspiration. Creativity. Unexpected gifts. Situations and people that make me FEEL…down to my core.
Ok…now YOU go!
Here are some pics from my week. Hope you had a great one. Don’t forget to leave a comment with some things YOU are grateful for.

Obligatory Pink Flower Tree Shot

Happy Dog = Happy Dog Owner

Fresh Crab. Picked From The Pier.

New Merch. Coming Soon.

The Only Thing I Can Draw.

Everyday Of My Life.
Make sure you leave a comment and if you’re not already on my mailing list…GIT IN THERE so I can tell you when new stuff happens!! Click here.
*Especially* when you don’t want to.<– this! Yes. :) Here's what I'm grateful for today:
The beautiful weather. A pool where I can watch the trees/birds while swimming laps, backstroke.
Being fit, healthy, happy.
Eating chicken tikka masala every single day for lunch this week. :)
My work! What I do, and when I do it. Having plenty of free time left for me.
Great friends. An amazing Meetup group to support my goals. Exploring together.
A long weekend perfect for diving into a new exciting personal project. <3
The opportunity to keep my friend's cats for a month.
Marrying the love of my life in exactly a year. <3
Discovering the most beautiful, delicate yellow glitter, and painting with it :)
Happy Friday all! :)
Oh my goodness lady!!!! What an AWESOME list. You got me all excited and grateful just reading your list. Wow. So amazing. I have to say though…the yellow glitter might have been my favorite one. :)
You are so full of life. And I’m so happy we’ve connected.
Thank you again for reminding me to think about this every Friday! I’m grateful…for the color blue (that makes me so happy)…that my 93-yr-old grandma still calls to check on me…that I can still see a light at the end of the tunnel…that someone walked into my life 17 weeks ago & is still present in a totally different way…that I have far fewer wrinkles than most women my age…for my my 3 cats that make me laugh every single day.
And thank you again for sharing your awesome list. Your grandma must be a wild woman. Don’t know why, but I just get that feeling. :) Have a great weekend lady!