November 16th, 2012
{TGIF} Try Gratitude…It’s Friday: Norman Rockwell Called…He Wants His Scenery Back.
Gosh this week went by fast! You agree? I’ve spent the week writing and exploring my new town. I fall in love more and more every day, even amongst the mixed bag of emotions that inevitably occurs when you make big changes in your life. Sometimes I sit in my big apartment, with empty rooms (since I got rid of all my furniture when I started traveling) and I feel all alone out here, and sometimes I’m surrounded with friends and things to do and am overwhelmed with glee. Such is life…the pendulum swing, the juxtaposition, the full range. But I know in my heart I’m exactly where I need to be right now and I’m SO grateful I found my way here.
I love Fridays because it’s such a great day to reflect on the week and remember all the wonderful things that we’ve experienced. Don’t forget that even the bad stuff is wonderful too. Below is my gratitude list for the week. I hope that you’ll join me in creating your own gratitude list. Please leave a comment below to share it!
I’m very grateful for:
Country dancing at Mixer’s on Wednesday nights. The fact that I now believe that a day in the 40’s is good weather. Pure Barre classes. That one Jason Mraz song I love. Having my entire wardrobe back in my possession. Friends who have reached out after awhile of being out of touch. Crying to my sister the other day. The two old ladies that are knitting on the couch next to me at the coffee shop. Finding out about the archery class down the road. When I get feedback about my blog. The opportunity to write here every week. My clients. My coach, Helen House. My loving and supportive family. The coffee shop below my apartment. MY APARTMENT! My friend Ryan who helped me paint my room. Outfits. Friendly and helpful strangers. The excitement of a new place. And the fact that I stumbled upon THIS on my afternoon walk the other day (I mean, could it be more pretty??)

Norman Rockwell called...he wants his scenery back.
Now it’s your turn. What are you grateful for, right now, in this moment? Don’t forget to leave a comment below. Have a wonderful weekend and see you back on the blog on Monday!
If you’re not already on my super awesome mailing list, make sure you sign up here so I can let you know when cool new stuff happens.
Xo, Sally
This really reminds me of the tv show “Northern Exposure”. I know it’s not Alaska, but it sounds and looks like you’ve stumbled upon that same small town life it depicted. It’s always good to see people with the right caliber of appreciation to share this. I’ve visited alot of places like this when I traveled out west and I loved them all. It defines the old saying that less is more. Thanks for sharing and letting me reminisce!
Oooooooh! I’ve heard Alaska is absolutely stunning too. And you know…before I got here, I sent a message out to everyone asking for advice. One girl said “don’t ever be one of those people who isn’t amazed by the mountains.” That has stuck with me. I appreciate the natural beauty every day and it sounds like you do too. Thank you so much for sharing and saying hello. Come back soon, ya hear??
Grateful for the abundance flowing into my life right now: Cool, confident, sexual and sensual men showing up and teaching me a thing or two. Feedback, encouragement and collaboration around the sex and relationship coaching. Spontaneous mini-adventures. Conversations that last for hours and hours and hours. Embracing and committing a clean, healthy, active lifestyle. Opportunities to do things I am passionate about and bust through fear. Excitement around my visions and intentions. The love and support of true friends. I am blessed.
Love you Sally!
Yes yes and MORE YES!!!!!!! I love you lady. So grateful to have you in my life!
I’m grafeful for old dreams ** new lipstick ** motivated colleagues ** my sister ** my son’s 2 teeth smile ** new friends I haven’t met yet ** Mumm Champagne ** new goals **
Miss Daphne! I miss you! But I love reading your gratitude list every week. I can just hear your voice as I read this list and it makes me smile. Happy Friday, my dear.
I’m grateful for the awesome friends in my life, the good LA weather, My cute puppy, good coffee, feeling energetic, the awesome men in my life, the fact that burningman exists, the color purple (not the movie the actual color), spell check, and fun hippy clients!
I love that you put a plural on the “men” in your life. :) Love YOU lady. You and your little heat bubble. XO
Being able to curl up on the couch with some hot tea on this cold and rainy day. The sound of raindrops on the window. A cuddly cat. Dinners with good friends. A caring husband. Online shopping.
Adorable you are. :)