Last year, about a month ago, I put all of my things in storage. I left my studio behind.

Goodbye Awesome Studio

And decided to get in an RV and explore. The country. Myself. Something new. Something different.

Bessie Lou. Home.

And what I found was that life was so amazingly serendipitous. And beautiful. Skies were bluer than I imagined. Clouds were puffier. And amazing people were absolutely everywhere.


I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was on a quest. The destination? My best life. The best version of myself that I could be, at that point in time. And each thing I learned gave me more information as to what that looks like…to me. Here I am, a year later, and ready for another quest. Of a slightly different nature. Road…a bit unknown. Vehicle…to be determined. Destination…love. flow. surrender. And exploring what those mean, to me.

This week was really tough for me. And in these moments, gratitude is the last thing on my mind. And that’s the perfect time for it.

It’s Friday ya’ll…time for some gratitude. When you don’t know what to do, when all else fails, and especially when you don’t want to…try gratitude…it’s Friday. TGIF.

I’m grateful for:

My family, and weddings that bring us all together. A sweet old lady at the airport. GEB. Conversations that are filled with love and understanding. Honesty. Truth. Being surprised. Deep caring. Tears. The very fine line between being excited and being scared. Feeling supported. Seeing another onion layer. My clients. Putting it out there and watching opportunities show up. Hard situations that make me question my true thoughts and feelings. Taking a stand. Humility. A good book. My coach. My bestie. Words of encouragement from strangers. All my punny friends. Writing crosswords. A warm bed. Love.

I don’t have any pictures from this week, because unfortunately, they would have all been about me crying, but I DO have a little video I made from my travels from last year. A collection of things I learned and things I saw. Enjoy!

What about you? What are you grateful for, in this very moment? Leave a comment and share your gratitude list, so I can gush over how wonderful it is.

Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t Lose.

P.s. We put the attitude in gratitude. Btw.

P.p.s. If you like what you saw here, make sure you get on my mailing list so I can let you know when new stuff happens around here. And if you really really like what you saw, sign up for a free coaching consultation so we can, like, work together and stuff.

P.p.p.s. My “Share” button is all wonky! Any WordPress friends wanna help? email me at