July 20th, 2012
Haunted Hotels. Saying No. And Gratitude
This past weekend, three girlfriends and I went up to Bodie National Park, which is an old gold-mining ghost town right near Yosemite. I chose this place for a photoshoot (for my upcoming changing of the guard of my website…if you will) for it’s vibe. Old town, with tons of character, in the middle of a nowhere, absolutely gorgeous, tucked away within a hilly, big-blue-skied-with-white-puffy-clouded area. It was so beyond gorgeous. But what was also so beyond gorgeous was the crew of people that I was with. And how magical the whole experience was. To the (legitimately) haunted hotel, to the local (and only) restaurant and bar next door, to the stories from the locals, and the conversations that happened as a result of four amazing people getting together to do something fun, creative, and out of the box. As I was watching us be there, while we were there, I couldn’t help but feel that something magical was happening. And that I was SO DAMN GRATEFUL for however I got there. In those moments. With those people. Having those conversations. We never know what life has in store for us. All we know is that we have to keep moving in the directions that feel Good. Resonant. Sparked. Fulfilling. Excited. Last weekend was a lesson in that for me. I wanna hear all about you. Don’t forget to leave a comment below. Love you guys. For reals.
It’s Friday. Time for some gratitude.
It’s so easy to be in our heads and think about how much things ARE NOT going the way we want, or focusing on things we DON’T have. So…I’ve decided, that at least once a week, on Fridays, we should all take a minute to focus on things that ARE going well. Things we’re grateful for. I’ll be putting together a list of things that I love. That I’m grateful for. Or happy about. All from this week. I’ll go, then YOU go. Leave a comment on the blog with some of the things you’re grateful for RIGHT NOW.
When all else fails…and especially when you don’t want to…Try gratitude.
Here goes…
I’m grateful for:
Gary and the suggestion to check out Bodie. For Shannon, Natalie, and NJ for coming along and making the trip so beyond wonderful. Beautiful scenery and national parks. Support from loved ones. Learning from my mistakes and trying not to repeat them. Serendipity and chance encounters. Laughing. My clients. Country music. Wondering what it all means. Pondering. Truth. Two-stepping. Twitter connections. Love. A drizzly day. Movies with my best friend. Movies in general. Waking up rested. PG tips. Feeling strong. Technology. The unknown. The possibilities. Being scared and doing it anyway. My dog, especially when he’s smiling. A roof over my head. Kale. My family. Saying no when something doesn’t feel right. Saying yes all the other times. Going with my gut. Reaching out for help when I need it. Having people to be on the other end of the phone when that happens. A weekend with virtually nothing planned.
Later today I will be outside with my dog and his cute little friend Violet. Then, the day is wide open. What a great feeling.
Now you tell me what YOU’RE grateful for. Make sure you leave a comment below with your list and if you’re not already on my mailing list…GIT IN THERE so I can tell you when new stuff happens!! And if you want to see what this coaching thing is all about (I mean…total life overhaul, no big deal) click here for a sample session.
Here are some pics from this past week.

On The Way To Bridgeport

The Road Ahead.

Coolest. And Most Haunted Hotel Ever.

Location One.

Bodie. About To Start Shooting.


Behind The Scenes.

Behind The Scenes. Some More.

On Da Way Back. Yosemite.
Thank you guys so much for reading. For sharing. For being a part of all of this. Have an amazing weekend.
I am soooo grateful for my cousin Sally and I miss you so much already! I’m super grateful for my amazing boyfriend, parents, and friends who have helped me soooo much over the past two months with their love and support and physical work that they have invested in helping me start up my new studio! And I’m grateful that it’s Friday and TODAY is my Grand Opening!!
So grateful for you lady! And I miss our Thursday night hang times. I’m so excited for you and so proud of you for all that you’ve created and continue to create. Congrats on your opening!! And I can’t wait to see you and your new space when I get back. So much love.
Hey Sally!
just LOVE your BIG SKY Heart! and am SO grateFULL to have met you in Portland. To encounter in REAL life your incredibly magical bodysoul… and now know why so many fall in love with you. Truly!
I just LOVE that you take yourself on these wild adventures! you are truly inspiring….
So let me rap on about what I’m gratefull for… though it truly could fill up your entire site! yes… for women like YOU who’ve come into my life over this last year modeling the new world we are crafting from our heartbrilliance! for my lover like no other that supports me in health and my wild creative genius! for my three sons that rock and roll life with heart brilliance making musicals happen wherever they go (sometimes metal! haha!)… for my wild creative genius that IS brilliantly WILD and exquisitely creative taking me on journeys that most only dream of… making the ordinary life EXTRordinary! for the zilllllllions of children I have taught music and the arts to who have truly been my zen teachers in disguise! for the many RAD Wild CREATIVE genius WOMEN who love to make music art and dance with me….
for my home which has been my womb of creation for the last 17 years…. for the food my sons now cook and feed me with… yes, for the outrageous wealth I have in the wealthiest country in the world…
Thank you, Sally… you’ve now cracked my heart open. Will be a good day. xoxoxo
Kathleen…I was hanging on e v e r y s i n g l e w o r d you just wrote. What a glorious list. Heart-speak. And I’m so absolutely grateful for you. For meeting you in real life too. For all your continued love and support. For your presence in the world. Thank you for being here, with me. And thank you for just being here.
Have a wonderful day, my dear.
I MUST add… the Earth… yes, this profound body of being I stand upon. It is SO Exquissssssssite! may we find our way to caring for her truly. xoxo
Beautiful photos – because you are so darn gorgeous!!!!
Look who’s talking!!! You glow. Love you.
Hey Baby!!
That location looks amazing. I vaguely recall it from a trip there when I was a kid… magical place.
Miles and Isabel can’t wait to see you Monday; wish I could see ya too but I’ll channel some love your way vis a vis my *little* ones.
Love, love, love your blog. You inspire.
Miss Rebecca!! I wish I could see you too. I was hoping I would get to. And yeah! I can definitely see your little self running around these parts. :)
I will also be sending love vis a vis your little ones and hope to see you next time I’m around. So much love to you. Also…I want to hear all about how you’re doing. Send me an email!
Wait…Coach has a cute little friend named Violet?! That is just plain awesome. I’m grateful for that :)
And I’m grateful for my continued connection to you, Miss Sally. I’m grateful for my amazing boyfriend, my loving family, the best sister on the planet, friends who truly inspire me, situations that challenge me and ultimately make me expand my butterfly wings, yoga, acting, coaching, peace and LOVE.
<3 V
AHHHHH!! I know! You’re here, even when you’re not here. And this Violet is spunky and fun and sassy and sweet. Sounds like another Violet I know. She likes to pee on trees, however. Which isn’t that far off from hugging trees. So we’re still good there.
I’m grateful for you and your awesome list. I literally transported into your life as you were writing and was seeing all your loved ones before you, loving you back. Very cool. Can’t wait to see your butterfly wings in real life again.
Sending you lots of love, this Friday afternoon.
Hi Sally !
I looooooooove your pictures :-)
Tonight I’m so grateful that Ben has come home after 2 days with his grandmother ! He was giggling when he was me through the window (and so was I).
I’m also grateful for green veggies, juicing and blending … for the sun that is paying us a visit next week, for the flowers in and out my house, for Lindy the cat who has become my son’s best friend.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I can just imagine him being all smiley and giggly and sweet. That just warmed my heart. Thank you so much for sharing you list and sharing your time with me. So grateful for you!!
I am grateful for my roomy in portland (you)
being kind to myself when the sh*t hits the fan
my healer (melanie)
copywriters who save you at the last minute
my new program
my vitamix
the nap I am about to take
being in love with my life
my apartment
my cleaning lady
xo, Trace
AHHHH! So grateful for you too! That was seriously one of the highlights of my year so far. Thank you for making it so great. And thanks for sharing your list. I love the energy from it and am sending you all kinds of good woo woo vibes. :)
RAWR hot stuff! So excited to see the big reveal on your new pics!
My gratitude for the day:
Waking up early because I wanted to, not because I had to
Getting my Hamsa meditation on in my meditation closet
Luxurious shower
Sending my weekly blog & newsletter lovingly out into the universe
An amazing coaching sesh with one of my beautiful clients
Mastermind Skype with the brilliant Jaclyn Mullen
Getting SO MUCH LOVE from my Tweeps!
My ridiculously massive kale salad for lunch…
And the day is only half done!
So much love to you my dear!
Thank you Miss Sabrina! I’m so excite to see you on here again. WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I love your gratitude list. Especially number one. Isn’t that just the best?! Sounds like there is tons of work creative spark happening for you right now. I feel it for you lady!
Have such a wonderful rest of your day and weekend. Much love.
Men who still believe in romantic notions and metaphors
Spontaneous booking of travel
Best friends and text messages
BIG HUGE BATH TUBS you can swim around in
Hotel rooms with amazing views
Nature, nature, nature
Girls Weekends and Photo Shoots!
Laughter, Love and more Laughter
Crying until you feel you can’t cry anymore
Wonderful emails from parents about their children’s growth
Oh and did I forget to mention the most important … YOU BEOO
Yet another Friday already? I’m so grateful for those who helped me get through a very rough emotional week. They know who they are and have been hugged and thanked and hugged some more. Grateful for new love from an old friend. Carry on, one and all. :)