January 3rd, 2013
Awesome Things Thursday: Lazy Girl Workouts
YAY!!! It’s the new year! And that probably means that some of us have decided to take care of our bodies, which I’m ALL FOR. A healthy body and a healthy mind are so important for a healthy and happy life, so whatever it takes to get us there (in a healthy way), I’m on board with.
What I’m NOT on board with is crash diets and unhealthy (and unrealistic) health regimens that will only further discourage us from our goals. But that’s sort of beside the point.
I’m a huge fan of exercising in a way that feels FUN, which is why I include country swing dancing into my exercise routine,
and I go to Pure Barre lots of times a week (dudes…check it out, it’s the SHIZZZZZZY).

Pure Barre Babes. Hot.
I’m also a huge fan of utilizing extra time we have to work on our fitness in small ways, which is why I LOVED this post from Violet Sage, called Lazy Girl Fitness. It’s all about the little things we can do to work on our bodies, while doing other things like brushing our teeth, doing laundry, or reading. They don’t take up much time, but if done consistently, can make a big difference. Make sure you check out her article!

Buns While Brushing via www.violetsage.wordpress.com
What agreements have YOU made with yourself this year to take care of that dashing body of yours? If you have fun tips, make sure you share them in the comments below. And if you’re not already on my mailing list (no spam…only awesome things and to tell you when new stuff comes out), get on there! You can sign up by clicking here.
Really, there’s no real need for a gym membership for the majority of people, unless you’re a pro athlete of some kind, or aspire to be one.
Most things can be done without free weights. First off, there’s running. I’ve been running for as long as I can remember. In wrestling, there’s a lot of talk about how the ring is not a trampoline, and it’s actually quite a hard surface, and how taking bumps hurts, and a lot of guys end up with knee, neck or back injuries after a long career. You work full time, and you’ll be bounced around, then go back and get the crap knocked out of you again. If you have to do a “specialty” match like tables, ladders, and chairs, as announcer Jim Ross says, “How do you learn to fall off a twenty foot ladder?”
However, the people that love the sport do it, despite the pain, BECAUSE they love the sport. With running as long as I have, as much as I do, on as many surfaces as I have, and with the ego that I have to constantly push myself, I have a lot of pain. I take multiple supplements, my cartilage in my knees is pretty much gone, and if I could afford it, I’d look and see if I need a knee replacement or a cartilage injection. If I walk or move the wrong way, I risk my knee sliding out, and I NEVER run outside in the winter. I try to avoid doing ANYTHING outside in winter, because I’m scared that if I fall the wrong way, I could end up in worse shape than I am. That aside, I remember when I was at someone’s house, and she is an older woman, and she asked why I continue to do something that I know will cause pain, and the answer is that I like to run.
Now, I don’t want this to sound like running is bad. It’s not. Running since you’ve been in third grade (the earliest photo I have of me running, I was on the third grade track team), on lots of cement sidewalks and such is what is bad. The reason I talk about this is because even though running is the easiest sport to do (more on that in a minute), you have to do it right. First and foremost, you need to go to a running store and get good shoes. There’s a lot of good stores out there, and they’re not hard to find. Running has come a long way since the time when running stores were like comic stores and considered a “novelty” store, and only those people “on the inside” knew about them. Get a pair that fits, that breathes a bit, and most important, FEELS GOOD. You shouldn’t feel like you have shoes on, it should feel like a natural extension of your body. Also, good socks are a must. Those big, thick gym socks you wore in 8th grade? NO. They’ll get wet when you sweat, and you’ll feel miserable. Not only that, but if they rub and you get blisters, that’s no fun, either. On the other hand, don’t get socks so thin that you get blisters from rubbing against your shoe. Again, a nice, happy medium. That’s the great thing about running. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of sport.
When you talk about the ultimate in cheap sports, running is it. Your only major expense will be shoes, and if you’re a woman, you spend more on the shoes you wear to impress boys at the clubs than you will on running shoes. You can get good running shoes for about $100. Then you’re done. Everything else you probably have. Do you have an old t-shirt that you wear when you clean house or paint? Perfect! You can also wear a sports bra, if you prefer and forego the shirt. This goes back to the not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Shorts. Some of you will prefer spandex. If you’re not the kind of girl who wants to have tight shorts, you can wear board shorts, if you like. I’m not a fan of them, because I dislike having things “hanging”, if you will. I don’t like loose stuff when I run. That’s just me. Most girls have somewhere tucked away those totally awesome terry cloth booty shorts that look like something Catherine Bach wore as Daisy Duke. Those are also an option. If you’re the social type, you can join a running club (a lot of them are very informal, and are made up of people that just like to run, so no cost!), or do “road races”, where you will literally meet several hundred new people.
When I didn’t have gym money, I would do push ups and sit ups at home. You don’t need to do so many that you start getting all sweaty, but just enough to keep you toned and fit. Plus, there are so many variations, depending on what you want to do. If there is a local park near you, you can do pull ups or arm hangs.
Then there is tension exercises. Just sit down, and tense a group of muscles, one at a time, and hold for ten or twenty seconds. Not only does it keep you nice and tight, but it’s also very good for muscle control.
Besides what Sally has here, you can also tone those calves by standing on your toes. Stay on your toes for about ten seconds, each leg. You want to feel those calf muscles tighten. Stair stepping is also good for the legs. Skip the elevator, and use the stairs. Good cardio, too.
There are literally DOZENS of ways to get fit, just by being creative. Heck, grab some canned food, and you can curl it, and make it tougher by tensing throughout the exercise. Take a walk around the block once an hour. Just because you want to be fit doesn’t mean you need to buy gym memberships.
That said, if you DO want a gym membership, besides making sure that whichever gym you choose has hours that are good for you, and have stuff you want to do (Pools are great. Running in water is great exercise!), keep in mind that there’s a lot more choices today than there was ten, 15, or 20 years ago. All gyms have different costs and features. Choose smart.
I agree with Gregory. However, 2012 was the year I decided to get a little more structured and join a gym. I got lucky in that it’s only 1 mile from my house and I’ve met so many new people and friends! It’s as social as it is beneficial to the body! I can’t imagine not being there in the future. Any place where I can actually look forward to water class with “the ladies” or plugging into my iPod and losing myself in a great book on my Kindle while I’m on the stationary cycle for an hour is ok! I love the weight machine circuit too (and it recently paid off in a physically challenging real-life situation).
The 35lb loss in 6 months (with relatively no food suffering) is icing on the occasional cake.
Be good to your body, whatever works!
I wish everyone inspiration and success in being healthy. :)
Hey, Lisa,
You’re absolutely right about how going to a gym is a great way to meet people. Within that, it’s also a great way to share training tips, get a workout buddy, and learn about the best places to get gear.
Most importantly, it’s also a great way to find a motivator who will kick down your door at zero-dark-thirty telling you it’s time to get up and work out. I was asked to do that a few times when I was still in college. That’s the best thing about a “battle buddy” – you motivate one another!
Indeed, Gregory! It’s not for everyone, but for those that will work it, the payoff is huge!