So…things have been feeling a bit heavy lately. And as I was talking to my coach about it this week, I realized that what I needed was to lighten the F up a bit. I mean, don’t get me wrong…I’ve spent plenty of time feeling my feelings. And being in my process. And exploring and crying and allowing. She asked me what I needed, and I thought it was something like “talking to my friends” but it actually turned into “watching mindless tv and doing nothing.” Quite different.

Sometimes what we think we need (or what we think is appropriate to need) might not be what we need at all. Sometimes it is. So it’s important to really check in and ask yourself what you’re needing in these times. It might be a shoulder to cry on. But it might be reality tv. Or a big splurge on lots of makeup. Like me.

With that…it’s gratitude time! Friday. The day where we get to remember what we are grateful for, and share it with each other. When things aren’t going well. When all else fails. Try Gratitude…It’s Friday! {TGIF}

I’m grateful for:

Natalie and Helen and working on relationships. Love. A great country song. Dancing. My family. Beautiful weddings. My clients. CTI. PG Tips tea in the morning. Familiar faces. A great dance partner. Sunshine. Big bear hugs. Wit and humor. Health. Laughter. The dog park and how happy it makes my puppy. Conversation. Silence. Trying something different. Serendipity. Waking up early. The internet and all the amazing connections made here. Crossword puzzles. Puns. All the people who have helped me get where I am today. Dreaming. Clean water. Hot showers.

Leave a comment below and tell me what YOU are grateful for! And have a wonderful weekend. May it be filled with fun and laughter and sunshine (that is…if you like that sort of thing).

Clear eyes. Full heart. Can’t lose.