April 12th, 2011
My Mom. Being Unbaked. Keys To Your Custom Car.
My mom’s blog post this week is so good that I’m stumped in my own writing. It’s a speech she is planning on giving. She’s this amazingly passionate, smart, interesting, silly, kind woman. Her words made me cry.
She said it…perfectly.
So I thought I’d share it with you all. Here goes.
“This morning I went out early for my regular walk around the neighborhood. It is a beautiful, clear, Spring day – birds chattering, everything bursting with bright green new growth, ducks and ducklets swimming in the tiny reservoir next to the vast farmland near my house.
As I was walking along, I happened to notice a square cardboard box in the street. It said “10 inch unbaked Pie” and in big letters “PUMPKIN”. Well, since my nickname is Pumpkin and I’ve been training myself to look for messages from the Universe (even in the gutter), I had to stop and wonder what this might have to do with me.
“What’s unbaked about me?” I wondered. And immediately I realized that having the courage to come here and talk to you is ‘unbaked’, getting my writing out into the world is “unbaked”….in fact, a great deal of who I am and who I could be has been in the back of the freezer for much of my life.
It’s not like I’ve been sitting around doing nothing, of course. In fact, if you knew all about me you might think I’m doing a great deal. However, what I haven’t been doing is tapping into everything I COULD be, was destined to be. It’s like I was born with a set of fabulous blueprints for my life and I haven’t even unrolled them. I don’t even want to. It’s way too scary. What if it says “you are destined to go work as a missionary in Africa” or “you will run a sky diving school in the desert”….. or worse, what if it said “you are destined to live alone” or “you will never find happiness”
Luckily, the Universe isn’t programmed to scare us, torture us, force us to do something against our nature, or otherwise doom us to a life of misery. On the contrary, it is meant to align perfectly with who we are and enable us to soar as far as we are willing to go.
However … and this is crucial…. it can’t do that if we don’t show up.
Let me explain. Imagine that you have a beautiful new Mercedes convertible sitting in your driveway, ready to whisk you off on a drive up the coast to Carmel. You pack your bags, get yourself ready (including throwing a long scarf over your head that will blow behind you in the breeze as you drive), and run out to the car. Your excitement is mounting as you grab your keys and put them into the lock.
But nothing happens. The key doesn’t fit. And why? Because they’re the keys to your 10 year old Honda Civic. Annoyed with yourself, you go back into the house to find the Mercedes key, but it isn’t there. You realize you haven’t seen it in weeks. Do you even know what it looks like, where you last saw it? After a frustrating hour of searching, you give up.
The Universe is like that car. It was designed for fun, adventure. It’s meant to take you anywhere you want to go. But you must have the key. Fundamentally, you must BE the key.
We come into this word as unique individuals, designed to live our life in a very specific way. It is our birthright to live fully and the Universe is in partnership with us. Everything we could ever dream of doing or being is available to us. But we have to do our part.
Basically, we have to fully know ourselves…what we love, what we want, who we are….we have to present ourselves to the Universe in our fullness or it can’t recognize us and it can’t respond. And that’s a good thing.
Imagine that the Universe gave you only what you were able to ask for. You might end up married to the wrong person, staying in the wrong job for way too long. The book you dreamed of writing years ago might never be published. You’d might never take that fantasy trip to Egypt or Australia, or heal your relationship with your father. Every dream that you had but let slip through your fingers could be gone forever.
Instead, the Universe is standing, quivering like an excited puppy, waiting for us to come play. “Come on, come on, Paulette…. you’re MEANT to be a writer, you’re MEANT to travel and live fearlessly”. It longs for that perfect alignment when you suddenly become aware of everything you want to be and you show up, a gleaming key perfectly fit for a custom car.
I was cleaning out some boxes yesterday and found a bookmark I’ve had hidden in papers for years. It was a quote from Martin Luther that said:
“All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired, although not in the hour or the measure, or the very thing which they ask; yet they will obtain something greater and more glorious than they had dared to ask”
That’s the beauty of it. When you come to the table in your fullness -open, authentic, transparent, real, fearless, ready….God/The Universe showers you with more than you could imagine.
Until you are ready to cross that threshold, take the risk, stand at the edge, the potentials of your life will be on hold.
It says so on my pie box:
“Frozen until ready to use”
Dude. I love. Your. Mom!
Seriously…she’s amazing ~ this is a beautifully written & very poignant post (like mother – like daughter)!! :)
Thank you so much lady. I just couldn’t not share it. I thought it was so cool. :-)
You are CLEARLY your mother’s daughter. Just beautiful!!
Isn’t she amazing?!
Hey Sally, this reminds me of a recurring dream I used to have. In every dream I would get a little braver as I peeked into rooms in a big house I lived in. The rooms were dark & scary. Dream by dream, I opened the door, went in, and dug around & pulled out all the fun stuff that was collected there. Then I would be brave enough to go upstairs, sometimes making it into the scary room, sometimes I slammed the door and ran for my life. One time I opened a door to a rooftop balcony & the people there were very scary. They were homeless and using my balcony as a place to gather.
After finally getting my hands on a dream book, I interpreted the dreams. I was searching for myself. A piece of me that was tucked away, hidden. I was scared of what I would find…a passion that I closed the doors on. As I began to have more courage & learned that these things hidden away weren’t so scary, then I became braver and excited to see what else I would find. One time, I opened a secret door and went down a passage way. Then I opened another door and there was a huge party going on with lots of people having a good time.
It’s then, that I stopped having the dream. This was years ago, when I was struggling with the decision to quit my job and do my own thing. I did my own thing and it’s the best decision ever!
Stay cool in CR!
Girl…WOW! Thank you so much for sharing that dream. What an interesting way to experience finding those hidden things you’re afraid of and discovering those gems right behind the next door. Amazing! And congrats for taking the leap! You rock my world girlie.
NEW WEBSITE! (It needs some work, tho! Finishing it “my way” to get the idea out of my head, then on to the “pros”!.
Anyway, wanted to say that I have been accused of being “unbaked” a few times! (and YES, exactly the way it sounds!), but as it relates to your Mom’s blog, I need to be reminded every so often that “all work and no play” etc. I tend to work ALL the time and do nothing else.
Fortunately, I’m getting some help in that department. It’s a journey, for sure, but I’m working on learning to be more patient and to take some time to do some things that while not necessarily work in and of itself, it will help me to be more productive, and thus, be able to take more time off!
Sounds like you’re definitely figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. that’s always the first step, in my opinion. RIGHT ON!
Yeah, I know what works and what doesn’t, but when you don’t have a roommate and your business is mostly live events and the rest of it is work from home, then you tend to get lazy about doing things like unpacking, getting shelves, or even a new desk (yes, those are all things I haven’t done. I was in my last apartment for five years and when I moved, I was still in the same boxes I moved in with).
But, like I say, it just takes someone you trust to smack you upside the head and give you a different perspective and be willing to see you through it.
You do rock, tho. I heard from the group I was with when we all saw you in concert with P&P at House of Blues that you were a pretty cool chick, and I get the feeling you’d be pretty cool to hang out with and just grab some drinks together and shoot the breeze and all that good stuff.
OMG, this post was theeeee bomb. I put that MLK, Jr. quote on my FB wall. You are so lucky to have a mommy like that who “gets” it. My mom is getting it too, it just took me 30 years to see it! LOL.
Frozen until ready to use. Sick!
I’m so glad you liked it girl. When I read it, I was floored. I was all like, “YESSSSSSSSSSS!! Exactly!!!” Cheers to cool moms!
WOW! Amazing article. Are you in my head or what? The car scene with the scarf is what I visualize every day and the 10 year honda civic is what I own. Thank you for the perspective. Thank you for sharing this! xo
Whoa girl!! Maybe the Universe is trying to tell YOU something. :-)
Wow, awesome speech, Paulette!
Suddenly feeling inspired!
Ms. Hope,
I honestly don’t even know how to start this comment b/c I have so much I want to say to you whether it be about your beautiful & talented writing, your inspiring outlook on life, your gift to notice the power of signs and intuition, the fact that it is so obvious through this piece that you have, are and will do some pretty freaking amazing things in your life.
I admire you so much, and I’ve only just ‘met’ you through this one guest blog post and this is my 1st time on Sally’s blog (which I am LOVING!)
“Frozen until ready to use” – Lately, I’m just like you – I’m finally hopping in that Benz (scarf on head), rolling out those blue prints, and baking that pie (Literally… I baked a Pumpkin pie this morning..seriously! haha).
Thank you so much for writing this! This goes in my bookmarked pages of best things I’ve ever read.
You are wonderful!
– Lauren :)
Wow…Lauren. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and share. I’m going to send this to my mom right now and I know that it will make her day/week/year. I’m so glad that we “met” and I look forward to sharing writing, stories, adventures. I love your writing as well and your blog is already bookmarked in my tool bar. Three cheers for the Internet and how it connects us to the people we need to know.
Til next time,
Your mom rocks!! That is all!
Thanks girl. Yeah…I agree!