Put content here that you want to highlight for your viewers if it makes sense.


I almost got my ass kicked…

Wow…I am blown away by the response to the opening of registration to the WIldheart Revolution.I only have a few spots left to fill before the doors will officially close (TONIGHT at 11:59 EST) and am SOOOO excited!!This party just keeps getting better. So click HERE to grab your spot before they’re all gone. Just wanted to say thank you for hanging […]

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Apparently I’m Dead.

  So, I know you’ve been hearing from me a ton lately about the opening of Wildheart. And really…it’s just because it’s the best party on the internet and I don’t want you to miss out on it.(Psssst…the doors are closing TOMORROW) But instead of hammering you with more details, since I know you’re a #wildheart and super smart and can […]

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Wildheart Will Answer ALL Your Questions…

How’s that for a bold claim? :) Check it out…. Have you ever wondered whether or not you should go on that second date? Or if you should quit your job to pursue your life coaching business? Or how about the best way to mend the relationship with your sister? I absolutely love life coaching, but sometimes, you just want […]

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The One Thing That Will Make You More Money

Hey guys! So….Did you know that one of the super fun perks of being a Wildheart member is that you have FREE access to not only me, but to my team of amazing Wildheart Coaches on the regular? Take Wildheart coach Ellen Ercolini, for example. (that’s pronounced err-co-lee-knee) Ellen is a Money Making expert and every Friday she coaches the […]

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Welcome, Wildheart!