love & relationships wildheart wildheart revolution
March 15th, 2013
More WildHearting. And I’m Gonna Dip Your Feathers So Hard.
Well I’ve been a busy little bee up in Wildheart Headquarters. I’ve been meeting with my artist friends about Wildheart Visuals, I’ve been creating mood boards and I’ve been getting SO creative with art projects and music. I forgot how good it feels to create. In fact, I hadn’t realized that I had completely disconnected from my creative self until I starting creating again. It feels DAMN good.
So today I’m gonna keep it easy and breezy here on ol’ blog. The past few posts have been a bit on the heavy side (which of course is cool too), but spring is in the air. I went out without a scarf and jacket on for the first time yesterday. And I’m feeling light.
So I just want to share with you guys what’s been happening behind the scenes here, and say THANK YOU FOR BEING A PART OF ALL OF THIS. I love each and every one of you Wildhearts.
Also wanted to let you know that Wildheart Creative has been busy making merchandise for you to buy if you want to keep Wildheart close to you at all times. These are just the preliminary items. Each one, one of a kind. There will be more items and fancy pics of the items to come, but for now, here’s a sneak peak.
Keep lovin’. Keep on Wildheartin’.
Started the weekend off with some clay shooting with my buddy, Preston. 7/10 clays isn’t bad.

Last weekend started out with a bang.
Then I got all glammed up for a roller derby photo shoot.

Did my herr. Put on the makeups.
Then I took a little road trip to see a friend of mine in Wilsall, MT. Thinking. Dreaming. Looking at the scenery on a beautiful day.

Drivin’ down the road free as a bird.
Then I got all crafty and creative. All of the thing below you can buy. Just message me at


“Love” and “Cross” bracelets $32

$10 a piece or $45 for 5

$10 a piece or $45 for 5
And I got a pic from a super happy customer. Which, of course, made me very happy.

Miss Ashley Jorn writes “Best package ever from Sally Hope :) Love it soooooo much and thank you for the sweet card”
And then I played music with my friend. This is the first time I’ve played my own songs live, in front of anyone, and on a mic. SO MUCH FREAKING FUN IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY!

Singing “Hell on Heels”
I ended the week with a creative brainstorm session, and a mood board. I’m loving Wildheart Revolution more and more by the minute.

Gettin’ visual and shit.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope you’re having a great day so far. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Instagram! Also…today is the very last day my Wildheart Sessions are going to be offered for $40. After this…they’re going way up. So if you want one…get it now!! XOXO
I love seeing you rock your creative self Sally! So inspiring and EXACTLY what I need to do more of too.
Sending you bunches of SoCal love!
Thank you lady. Can’t wait to see more of your creative self. Don’t know why but this quote just came to me “Haters gonna hate, creators gonna create.” Hahahha. Love you dude.
Love that side view mirror pic!! & love all your creations gorgeous!!! I didn’t know you sang too?!?!
Thank you lady! And yeah I’ve always sang by myself in my room and in the car but I’m taking it to the streets soon. haha
Love it all! And I want to hear more about your mood boards – never done one but always hear about them. What’s the process for you? Feel like sharin? :)
Oh girl they’re so much fun!!!!! I’ll give it to you as homework next time. :)