wildheart wildheart revolution
January 27th, 2015
Why you’re not sticking to your New Years Resolutions (and the four ways to turn it around right now)
Ok so I want to out myself right now.
I think New Years Resolutions are stupid. (click to tweet)
Yeah, I said it.
There is so much attention and energy put around the idea that just because the calendar changes one number, that this is all of a sudden a “new year and a new you.”
When I see that, I ask myself…WHY?
Why on Earth is it a new me just because one more day has passed??
What have I actually done to EARN the title of a “new me” and do I even really know what that means for myself?
And not only that, what are the implications of this massive list of resolutions I’ve decided I’m going to measure my success this year by?
What I’ve come to is that the language and reasoning we use for New Years is the problem, but the intentions behind all of it is AWESOME.
Because behind the bells and whistles and “new year new you!” quips, lies something really important…
That is…setting a specific intention for what we want in our lives, staying focused on and motivated around those goals, and having a clear measuring stick to know whether or not we got there.
Now THAT is something I can get behind.
But…what happens when New Years rolls around? We all come up with this mega list of things we want, no actual plan on how to get it, and then we forget about it all together within a couple weeks and start eating cookie dough right out of the jar again (or is that just me??)
So…I thought I’d come up with a super fun list of the ways to ACTUALLY stick to your New Years intentions, before January is over and they are all long gone.
These are simple and easy to do and I promise that if you try them, you will notice some major changes in your life.
Here goes:
1) Pick one thing at a time and focus on that (aka…make a decision)
The way to get anything done, is to have FOCUS. And the way to have focus, is to only put things on your list that are absolutely imperative and that are things you actually truly want. The way to get going is to make the decision (draw the line in the sand) to do it.
This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “Do or do not. There is no try” – Yoda
So…the way to do this is cut almost everything out of your “resolutions” list. As far as “things” you want…limit it to three or less. And only do one at a time.
(Caveat…if one of your things is like “do cardio three days a week” you can obviously do this while you’re simultaneously writing copy for your website. Use your discernment here. The name of the game is to be focused)
2) Focus on how you want to FEEL
In our worlds, we focus A LOT on doing. We make goals that we can cross off our lists. But have you ever had a situation where you “did” everything you set out to do, but you still aren’t satisfied?
That’s because your focus has been on the external, instead of how you want to feel. When your compass is based on desires and feelings, you always know where to turn when making a decision.
So for example, if you decide you want to feel “FREE” this year, then anytime you have to make a decision, you just ask yourself “does this make me feel free or not?”
Use that as your compass when making and sticking to your list.
3) Check in with yourself periodically
Focus and desires are only part of the equation. Who cares if you make a goal and draw a line in the sand if you have no way of knowing if you’re actually getting there?
This one is all about breaking your “list” up into smaller increments throughout the year. So, give yourself quarterly measurable and tangible goals, and check in with yourself every three months to see where you’re at.
So…right now you’re in January. What do you want to accomplish and feel by the time April comes around?
Write that down on paper and mark it on your calendar. Right now. I’m serious. Go do that right now.
(did you do it? I’m watching)
4) Get help and accountability
This is my favorite one! Because nothing happens in a vacuum. Meaning…when you’re by yourself coming up with these goals, it doesn’t actually matter if you do them because no one is holding you accountable.
Another year can go by and you can be like “oh well…I didn’t write that book but…whatever.” And it’s easy to let yourself off the hook.
That’s why people tend to get more done when they’re in school, or if they have a boss breathing down their neck. A lot of people thrive with a deadline or when they have to “turn something in.”
I found this to be the most challenging part of personal development (= making my life more awesomer) and also the most challenging part of having my own business. Which is…no one is counting on me to follow through. No one is making me “turn in” anything. So whatever I want, is ALL up to me. And when it’s up to me, it’s easy to just slough off responsibility and stay in my pattern of not doing jack shit towards the things I want.
BUT…you can build in an infrastructure for yourself that is in service of keeping you on the hook, even if you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck.
You do that by hiring a coach, finding an accountability tribe, or a mastermind group. Maybe you have a good friend that you make an agreement with to help keep you on the hook.
And maybe…you join the Wildheart Revolution, which is ALL about this exact thing.
It’s about not only giving you the tools and lessons (like this one) that will help you move forward towards your goals and dreams in a lasting and final way, but we also have a team of 3 top notch, certified coaches there to coach you FIVE DAYS A WEEK when you’re feeling stuck, PLUS a group of dynamic people, just like you, to help keep you on track.
AND, we have a weekly accountability post, so really, it’s a no brainer.
The doors for Wildheart just re-opened for the first time in months and will only be open until THIS FRIDAY, so make sure you hop on into the coolest party on the internet.
Either way…I hope you enjoyed this list of ways to stay on track with your Resolutions. I truly believe that ANYTHING is possible. With enough, clarity, focus, determination and tenacity, and heart, we can all create miracles.
And as you know, I love hearing from you. In the comments below…do tell me…what is your biggest goal for yourself this year? And which of these tools are you going to use to make sure it happens?
Cheers to an awesome and fulfilling and fun 2015. And I hope to get to spend it with you inside the Wildheart Revolution.
Love and lots of goals,
P.s. Wanna know what members of the Revolution are saying?? Watch this video to hear it from the horsies mouth XO
My biggest goal this year, is making money off my business. 2013 I lost money, and 2014 I was so discouraged by this, that I didn’t hardly try. And that’s embarrassing to have to admit, but it’s the truth. And when I get money coming in, I’ll be joining the next rotation (if there is one!) of Wildheart. I’ve always wanted to get in. <3
I think focusing on how I want to feel is going to be key, cause I felt pretty bleah last year.
I love your suggestion to focus on how you want to feel…not just what you want to do, change, or accomplish. I’m going to give that some thought and report back. GREAT idea.