August 24th, 2012
Bed Hogs. Oregon. And Gratitude.
It’s been almost two weeks since I left on my solo road trip and I’d say I’ve already learned a lot. Like…my poor planning skills don’t behoove me on this trip. That I love having some sort of a plan that at some point involves meeting up with people I know, and that if I let him, my dog will take up the ENTIRE bed. Seriously. I woke up this morning in the crack between the mattress and the side of the van while Coach lay horizontally across the head of the bed, resting his head on BOTH the pillows. Only one of us has back pain this morning. I guess that’s what happens when your pets are just so darned cute.
So I’ve made it to Oregon and am so aware of so many things I’m grateful for. Which is awesome since it’s Gratitude Friday! Here’s my gratitude list for the day:
Good friends. Fun and quirky cities. Exploring. Trees and lakes and rivers and mountains. Looking at life like a treasure hunt (thanks mom). Plans (I never thought I’d say that). A good night’s sleep. Family. My amazing clients. Hot showers. Hot tea. Warm days. Summer. Fun roadside attractions. The right place at the right time. Sparked ideas. Connecting with friends. Things feeling like they are about to come together. Looking forward. Feeling lonely. Chirpy birds. A good meal. Cooking. The perfect song on the radio.
Now you go. Leave a comment below with what you’re grateful for right now. I have a friend who’s favorite quote is “it’s impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time,” and that’s what Gratitude Friday is all about. Even when things aren’t going that great, there is always something to be grateful for. Leave a comment below and share yours. When all else fails, Try Gratitude…It’s Friday {TGIF}.
Here are some pics from my week.

I stopped to meet up with a good friend in Santa Rosa. Snacks and wine.

Then I hit up a cool store in Sonoma on the way out.

Then we booked it towards Whiskeytown Lake to meet up with another good friend.

And passed through Klamath on the way to Oregon.

And found ourselves a campsite with a river running through it.

And then we finally made it to Bend. Where they are super dog friendly.
Don’t forget to leave a comment below and if you aren’t already, make sure you get on my mailing list so I can tell you when new stuff happens around these parts. And if you really like what you saw here and are thinking about hiring a coach, sign up for a free coaching consultation. Happy Friday everyone!
This Friday I’m grateful for :
Friendly bus drivers ** A sunny day ** My taste buds who magically got used to green juice and even started loving it ** My nice landlord ** My mother-in-law who is amazing with my son ** The extraordinary man I am so blessed to share my life with ** Vegan makis ** Being able to find some peace in me in those crazy times ** Fresh organic water ** This website that has become a great place to visit on Friday nights :-)
So happy to see you + coach rockin’ your big adventure together! You are endlessly inspiring my dear. Love getting these updates from the road.
Hope to see you when you get down to SoCal again (one day). :)
p.s. oh yeah…
i’m grateful for sun, my bro & sis, trusting myself, quiet, comfort foods, comfy pants, new beginnings, my honey, friends, a perfectly packed box, spreadsheets, crossing off items on my to-do list (yeah!), chocolate rooibos chai tea and YOU! xo
I try every single day to live a life of gratitude Sally and it has soooooooo changed my life in the last 5 years. I am grateful for ~~~~ my 3 girls, the fact that I am still alive to raise them, my FWB, my dog, my 12 year old car, the beach, my job, my ability to push forward against all odds, M&M’s, God in my life, sunflowers, kind people, sun on my face , OMG, I know there are a million more things……I’ll be back to finish my list. Safe travels, I want to be you when I grow up, I have wanted to travel across the country in a beat up van or camper for years!!!!! I have always felt such a strong pull to go to California and I am soooooooo on the totally opposite coast. <3 <3 <3
Miss Mary! Thank you so much for your comment. And what a beautiful thing! Living your life the way you do! And girl…let me know how I can help and support you. I intend for you to have those dreams and I KNOW you will create them. I mean, finding a beat up old van isn’t ALL that hard to do. :) Thanks so much for being here and make sure you keep in touch. And let me know WHEN you get out to Cali.
Is enjoying Gratitude Saturday. Grateful for my health, my friends, being able to see “Caution” signs when needed (eyes AND heart wide open, people!), my ability to communicate and have special people with which to communicate.
Miss Sally…don’t forget to communicate with Coach next time he thinks he can hog the bed! I guarantee he will be open to moving and not get upset if you provide a good alternative for the both of you. Result…two happy, rested beings. (How’s that for a metaphor?) :) xo