August 10th, 2012
Maps. Willie Nelson. And Gratitude.
Woo weee…well this week has been filled with such a mix of emotions. From excited to scared, to sad, to exhilarated. And I’m aware how cool the broad spectrum is. That we, as humans, are capable of such different, and strong emotions.
I’m down in Southern California, getting some things prepared for my venture. I left my “home” of the past couple months on Monday, and have since been spending my time getting supplies, running errands, gathering information, and acquiring maps and atlases. One thing I haven’t really been doing, is putting a solid travel plan in place. I honestly wonder if I’ll wait til the morning of departure to decide if I will be driving north or south. It all remains to be seen, but I’m so grateful for all the love and support you all have shown throughout this.

Maybe all of these. Maybe none.
And with that…IT’S GRATITUDE TIME!! Friday ya’ll. The day where we get to reflect on all the things that are amazing in our lives. The things that matter to us. The people that make a difference. The things we appreciate. Life isn’t always roses, but there always is something to be grateful for. And that turns around any bad day. When all else fails, when things aren’t going well, try gratitude. TGIF…Try Gratitude. It’s Friday.
I’m grateful for:
My family and all their love and support and encouragement. My best friend, Lily, who continues to be a rock in my life through all my ups and downs and crazy twists and turns. My grandma for teaching me silliness and fun. My mom and Gary for their support and love no matter what I decide to do in my life. Mr. Blum for all his encouragement and strength and support for my journey and giving me the courage and nudging me out the door even when he didn’t want to. For the VAN that I will be driving in. My puppy, for the cuddling. Travel websites. Target. French manicures. Excitement. Inspiration. Possibility. CTI. Meeting people that later turn out to be integral players in my life. Courage. Heart. Love. And awesome new iphone apps. YOU.
Also…this song. This is how I’m feeling right now. And I’m smiling. Like this :)
What about you?? What are YOU grateful for today. Leave a comment below and share your list with me. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Know that I’m out here in Cali, sending you love, wherever you are.
Also…I will be posting pics regularly on Instagram and Twitter, so make sure you follow me if you wanna see visuals from the trip. I’m @sallyhope on Instagram and @sallyhopesays on Twitter. AND…if you’re not already…get on my mailing list so I can let you know when new posts come out.
P.s. If you like what you saw here…sign up for a free coaching consultation to see how much more awesomer your life could be by having a coach.
My woman, whom I love so dear (a shiny new 2013 No-Prize is yours if you recognise that line!)
My business partner, who has been with me for longer than either of us care to remember!
Friends who tolerate me, despite my “quirks”, especially those who have known me long enough that they have had the chance to escape me!
My clients and my customers. The former, for trusting me with selling their merchandise and being open to my ideas. The latter for giving me the chance to succeed in this crazy business we call wrestling.
Other workers who are open to my ideas for their matches and gimmicks.
All my various business partners who trust me with handling their ideas and helping them to grow.
All of the various performers who have appeared on camera for MessyWorks, and are willing to take a chance on something new. Ditto for the ladies who have yet to appear on camera, but want to be a part of it.
The ladies who initially “sold” me on the concept of MessyWorks. It’s not exactly the world’s simplest concept to explain at times, and it’s definitely not the “same ol’, same ol'”, so it took me a looong time to warm ME up to the idea (and I’m used to some pretty far-fetched ideas), but once I got behind it and started advising them, it’s had some pretty good growth. There’s still more to be done, but it’s hard to grow new concepts.
The people who are helping me in various legal fights to protect my rights. There’s nothing more expensive than legal fighting.
All the people not mentioned, but not forgotten.
YES YES YES and more YES!!! Love you!
Isabel and I are thankful for YOU
And I am so thankful for you guys!!! Mil besos.
For my BFF of 30+ years for giving me the best advice of my entire life last week.
For the heart-wrenching bad times that make the heart-soaring good times so bright and shiny and deep.
“We, as humans, are capable of such different and strong emotions.” Yes, Sally. Thank you for that!
Wishing you everything you hope for on this trip!
Ooooohhhh! I wanna hear this “best advice ever!” Spill it lady. Thank you so much, again for writing in and sharing your list this week. I look forward to them every week.
Where are you going?
My best friend. Alfred. My feet. Running water. My car. The bus. Cable. Internet. My ability to bounce back. Resilience. My focus. Living near a walking trail. Spotify. Like every week. Backstreet Boys reunion.
HAHHAHAH BSB reunion! :) And the route is unplanned, per usual. Tomorrow, I leave. Heading up the coast. That’s all I know so far. I will DEF let you know if I make it Austin.
So excited for you Sally!
My quicklist:
Working from home allows me to sweat it out in my PJs all day while I connect with clients on Skype and put some love into the bloggity blog
Seeing my fear, loving on it, and transforming it
Being SURROUNDED by love – from my man, the dogs, and even the trees in my yard, I can feel it from every corner! I love my little sanctuary!
Have an AMAZING time on your trip Sally, and I’ll be sending you love along the way!
Thank you lady! I’m so excited too. Leaving TOMORROW! WEEEEEE! Thank you for your awesome list. Per usual. I love “seeing my fear, loving on it, and transforming it.” Geez…if only we all did that, things would be SO much easier! Cheers for you lady. Make sure you keep in real good touch.
Thankful for my healthy son, my amazing husband. My friends, music, the view from our house, sunshine, birthday parties, traveling, showers with awesome water pressure, Costco, lemon trees, Motley Crue, neighbors, bandmates, colorful throw pillows, our cat, the convertible, playdates, photographs….
AHHAHA I love that you threw Motley in there. You going to see any of those shows this time around?
I would love to see them but with the cost of tickets, a babysitter etc probably not!
This week I am thankful for hope and Hope and hopefull-ness. Isn’t that enough?
Sally, I appreciate your posts which frequently resonate with me and have me thinking, reflecting and giggling. I also know what it’s like step out of the comforts of ‘home’ and leap into adventure.
As I was google searching today, I came across this quote and thought of you…
“Buy the ticket and take the ride … rain or shine!” …Hunter S. Thompson
And another, which Diana passed on to me, “Home is wherever you are.”
Hey Caitlin! Fellow traveler! Ahhh thank you so much for those wonderful quotes. So important to remember that stuff as much as possible. THANK YOU! And hope to talk to you again soon. Cheers lady.
Self-reflective awareness, the ability to imagine, and flying dreams.
Dreams where you are flying? Or dreams themselves…flying? :)