January 4th, 2013
One Year Ago…
One year ago today, I was in Bozeman visiting a good friend that I had met 6 months prior while traveling in an RV with my good friend, Natalie. One year and two months ago, I was in a Starbucks inside a grocery store somewhere in Georgia (on the road with Girls Gone Moto), buying my plane ticket. Full of excitement and anticipation, I remember the moment like it was yesterday. It was a big moment for me. A bit of a leap of faith. A lot of curiosity, and finally, a “why not?!” attitude.
The past two years of my life have been chock full of “why not” moments; Why not move to Costa Rica and run my business from the beach? Why not fall in love with a cowboy? Why not leave it all behind and get in an RV? Why not create a TV show of RV traveling and volunteering?
Why not continue to fall in love with amazing men? Why not try it out, see how it goes, take a trip, try something new, experiment, go by myself, take a new class, start a new project, end that same project? Why not go to the conferences? Why not travel alone? And finally…why not move to Bozeman?
Only one short year later and I’m exactly where I was one year ago, physically. But figuratively and emotionally and life wise, every single thing is different. I feel different. I have different goals. My understanding of life and myself is different. I have different friends. And a completely different lifestyle. I cannot believe how much can happen in a year, and I’m just so grateful for all of it. For every single moment that has led me here today. For every decision, for every leap of faith, for every click of the “buy now” plane ticket or adventure. For every person that has come up along the way to somehow guide me in some direction.
Gratitude abounds.
Happy Friday. Where were you one year ago today?

One Year Ago

One year ago today, Sally Hope was not in my life, and for that, I am sorry.
Last January I was taking my very first coaching clients, trying to get a handle on how exactly, I was supposed to learn ho to run a business. I was planning a 7month roadtrip and trying to wrap my head around selling everything I owned and moving into a van.
Last year at this time my whole life was up in the air. And now, even though I’m home and more grounded, I suppose everything is still up in the air. It always will be, forever, I think.
Gosh…SO CRAZY! I cannot believe how much can happen and change in a year. And how much we can grow, yet still feel the same in some ways. I totally agree with you that things always sort of seem up in the air. Each time we reach a bar, we raise it again and start the process all over. Such is life. Gotta keep it interesting, eh?
Much love fellow traveler, turned home-er (with a traveling spirit).
LOVE this post and love the change/update! Why not right?! :)
It really is amazing what can change in a year. Even more though, it is amazing what you learn from travel, saying “why not” and simply TRYING eveything and anything that feels right.
Here’s to changing, staying the same, and every point that’s awesome in between.
Hugs, and here’s to a kick ass 2013!!!
Seriously lady! What was in your 2012??? And what’s here now?
Hi Sally! I’m super new to your blog, loving it already.
Now lets see..one year ago today. I don’t know exactly, but I can guess.
After a bad breakup with my first real love of three and half years, id moved back home. I was a mess. I jumped straight into a relationship with a pretty crappy guy, just because I needed to feel wanted and felt like I needed to have someone else there. I spent all my time and energy on that, trying to ignore how I truly felt after my relationship breakdown. And in fact, I spent the whole year running away from it, until September, when the cracks began to appear. I then stopped the negative relationships (both romantic and otherwise, culling negative influences) , focussed harder on Gala Darling and John Halcyon Styn (on youtube) who began to teach me to focus on myself. To get achievements. To be gentler on myself. To be proud of everything I am.
Today i’m still going through a lot (loss, change, grief) but I’m dealing with it. I’m telling people when i’m not ok, i’m sitting with my grief, i’m being gentler on my self. I’m physically in the same location, same job etc, but I feel like an entirely different person. One who is ripping apart the seams of my life, and re-examining everything, growing, developing and changing. And it’s blogs like yours, that provide such great food for thought, that help me grow.
Thank you,
Hey Brittany…WELCOME LADY!!!! I’m so glad you’re here. Wow girl. What an amazing year you’ve had. And reading what you right gives me such a solid feeling in my gut. Ripping ourselves apart at the seams can feel hard or challenging at times, but in my experience it’s the only thing that gets us closer to who we really are. And living as who we really are is what create a fulfilled and joyous life. Sounds like you got it. Sounds like you’re a #wildheart like no other.
Thank you for being here. I’m so grateful to have you. And don’t be a stranger!