October 5th, 2012
What Kind of Eggs Do You Like? And. I’m Moving To Montana.
I have to admit…I was (pleasantly) surprised at the outpouring of support on my hunting post last week. I feel very fortunate to have such thoughtful and smart friends, who engage and spark such interesting conversation. I know for sure that my questioning and curiosity about hunting (and my food sources) is not over, and if anyone would like to continue this conversation, please feel free to email me at sally@sallyhope.com.
So I’ve officially been on the road for 55 days. And when I left, all I knew was that I was called to go on this trip alone. To learn and grow and stretch and find out some things about myself. To cry in the van by myself at night when I was scared and lonely, and giggle in absolute ecstatic delight when I stumbled upon the most beautiful sunset in a place I wasn’t intending to go.

Lake Coeur d'Alene
Before I left, I was on the phone with my coach and she reminded me of the movie Runaway Bride, in which every husband-to-be was asked how Julia Robert’s character liked her eggs. And in each instance, they answered that she likes her eggs how THEY like their eggs. And Julia realized she had no idea how she actually liked her eggs. Metaphorically speaking, she didn’t know who she was, what she liked, or what she wanted. And so she went off on her own and tried every single kind of egg, until she found out what she liked.
I feel a bit like I’ve been on an egg hunt myself. I realized that every single time I moved somewhere, it was for something or someone else. Whether it be to Santa Barbara for college, Los Angeles for a band, Oakland for a relationship, and into an RV for a fun adventure with a friend of mine. I never had to be on my own to decide where I wanted to be, FOR me. And throughout this trip, I’ve been testing different eggs (if you will). And I’ve landed on one I like. Bozeman, Montana. A place where I want to be, for me.
And so I’ve decided to move here. And this will be the first time I’ve had an apartment since June, 2011. The first time I’ve moved somewhere purely because I like it there. The first time I’ve moved out of state. The first time I’ll be living in a proper winter. I found an apartment on Main street, right above a cool little coffee shop, with big beautiful windows that look out over the street. And even though I’m scared, afraid I won’t like the cold, or that I’ll be lonely here, or that I’ll hate it and have no friends, I’m excited. And proud. That I’m making a choice for me. Deciding what kind of eggs I want to eat. And letting my wonder lead the way.
And as I’m writing this, I’m so grateful for each and every person and thing that has led me here. Which is cool since it’s Gratitude Friday! A time to reflect on all the things we’re grateful for in our lives. I’ll go, then you go.
I’m grateful for:
My supportive, loving, smart, engaging, family who allows me this freedom to explore. Exploring, in general. My friends who have been my foundation this whole time, encouraging me to keep going. Everyone who reads these posts, and has been following alongside my journey. All the people who have taken me in along my travels, shown me love and support, and taught me something new. A sense of curiosity and wonder. My mentors. The first snowflake of the season. Warm blankets. Sushi. The perfect apartment. Following my own lead. Going with the flow. Fall colors. Not having a plan. My clients. Writing. Being excited. My sweet puppy. Seasons. Following my instincts. Support. Love. Smiles. New beginnings. Old friends.
Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment below with the things you are grateful for. And in the meantime, enjoy these pics from this past week.

Fall. Wilsall, MT.

Coach, trailing behind the four-wheeler

Dinner, in the Walmart Parking lot. Cody, WY

Same Road, one day later. I-90 W heading towards Bozeman.
And I will leave you with this…what kind of eggs do YOU like? If you don’t know, you better find out.
Oh I am so happy for you! YOU WILL LOVE IT IN BOZEMAN!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!
Lady! Thank you. And let me know if you know of any great people here I should connect with, or any places I must check out.
eek!!! I am so SO happy for you! It is so empowering to make decisions for YOU. I might have to knit you a hat and scarf! hehe!
Thank you lady! And YES!! I definitely will need a hat and scarf. Send me a purchase link.
OH mY GosH!!! WOW!!!!! You, Sally Hope, never cease to amaze me with your courage & fierceness. So proud of you!!! Us CA girls will have to take a roadtrip up to visit you!!! I love Montana – it’s like you finally found a space big enough for all your awesomeness!!!!!!!!!
Grateful for inspiration! Love. Nature. Friends. Warm Sunny Days. Finding my Center. Creative Expression. Faith. Love again.
Miss Zoe…this comment made me smile bigger than I can describe. Thank you so much. And thanks for speaking to courage and fierceness because I think that’s what I’m most proud of. I almost backed out of my decision, ummmmmm, like every other hour. But I’m going for it anyway! And this totally made me giggle “it’s like you finally found a space big enough for all your awesomeness!!!!!!!!!” Thank you girl. I was thinking back to that comment you made awhile ago about Oakland just not being my city, and it resonated today even more. I never quite felt right there. And here, at least for now, I feel at home. Finally. Thanks for following along the journey this whole time. I love you. AND TOTALLY COME VISIT!! I cannot wait to show you girls around. That would be so amazing!!
Hi guys. I apologize for that “hopeless” remark about the hunting. Yes, I am very conflicted (and ofter hypocritical) about the whole meat thing. And when I read thru the comments and thought about it, I realized that the ham I was eating was probably from a pig raised in torturous, filthy conditions; while Sally’s pheasant was just blipped out – and for FOOD, not just for the sake of killing. So I’m sorry for having my head up my ass.
Today I am grateful for – the forgiveness of my friends (I “hope”?); the fact that I returned a $125 Swarovski necklace because I realized that it was an impractical impulse purchase (I am NOT good with money, so this was a cool thing for me); my school where I will be writing, producing and directing a commercial; my friend Jeannie for collaborating and starring in it; AUTUMN, finally!; the fact that I am no longer depressed about my boyfriend of 3 years suddenly moving to Singapore (life DOES go on!!); and everyone who puts up with my moods and coaches me (whether consciously or not) in my quest for sobriety…good days and bad ongoing, but I’m not giving up!
Love to all – and sorry again for being an a-hole.
Oh, the eggs? Over easy, with yoke still runny. What does this say? Keep it all flowing, I guess. :)
Yes ma’am! Going with the flow is the the way to go. (Was that a Dr. Seuss poem??) :)
Hahhaha! Oh lady…thank you so much for writing and speaking to it. You know, you’re allowed to your opinion whether or not everyone agrees with it. Same goes for me and everyone else. But thanks for coming back and sharing your thoughts, this time around. And thank you for sharing your awesome gratitude list. Life is pretty special, eh?
Life is INCREDIBLE! I’m sometimes embarrassed to even be allowed to be IN IT! LOL!! Congrats on your move, girl, I bet it’s gonna be some serious awesomeness…
So happy for you Sally!!!! Now I have someone to visit in Montana :) Your apartment sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to find out more about the place you now are calling home :) Adventures are guaranteed…can’t wait to hear all about them. xoxo
Miss Cynthia…I’ll be home for a little bit before I go and would love to see you. AND, I’m happy to share everything I know about this beautiful state I’m moving and hear about how you are. My apartment has two rooms, if you ever want to come visit for a bit. Just sayin.
I smiled ear to ear throughout this entire post and you know why. Funny, but no surprise, that we both came to that same discovery this year, of what it feels like to do something just for you and no one else. Exhilarating isn’t it and liberating.
Grateful for meditation (almost 40 days and counting). Personal challenges and supportive networks. Space to be and process. Friends who KNOW you whether you have known them for 2 years or 20 years. Gorgeous hikes. A house all to myself for 3 months. Healthy, organic food. Reading and learning. Coming back home and proud of feeling different, yet comfortably the same. My nephew who still adores me unconditionally. Astrologyzone and Susan Miller!
Oh and I like my eggs over medium with toast. Ooh and maybe some avocado to go with it. ;)
Love you beoo and so freaking happy for you,
Whoa dude…40 days?!?! That’s amazing. I went one week and thought I was the shit. :) And yeah, no kidding. This year has been FULL of learning for both of us, and I finally feel at ease with all of it. Thank you for always being there and always being you. I love you so much. And YUM to the eggs.
Yaaaaay!!! I’m so freakin’ excited for you girl. What a fun new adventure!
I loved Zoe’s comment above about you being in a space that’s expansive enough to hold the entirety of you. And I do agree.
Welcome home!
Grateful for :: perfectly cooked poached eggs, listening to what my body needs, water, getting back up & trying again, kickass new clients, growth, perfect breezy LA nights, perspective, silence, curiosity and love.
Thank you lady. :) You’ll have to come visit. And I love your list. Thank you for sharing!
I like my eggs scrambled, over easy, poached, over hard, and however the hell else I feel like it that day. That’s my gratitude: freedom, choice, self-determination — day by day :)
Oh Sallah,
I’m so happy you found your place!! It’s so huge to figure out something that you really want just for you and no one else. I didn’t realise until I read your post that SF is that for me. I’ve always wanted to be here and it’s the first thing I did when I had the agency to choose. Wish i could have seem that for the brave act it was earlier. :) I am so grateful to know you, my intuitive, powerful, brave friend. I am grateful to have this blog to be able to follow your amazing adventures. I’m pissed you moved to the middle but so very happy you found a place you love. Rock on lady.
Oh Fla Flo…how I love thee! And yes…you moved to SF way before any of us did anything like that. And it was brave. And I’ve always respected you for that. I’m grateful for our continued friendship and even though I’m in Montana, don’t mean we can’t still hang out! Allegiant Air has KILLER flights from here to the Bay Area for like $40 one way. So whaddya say…Sueno trip in Montana?? Love you girl.
Hey Sally, This hit a nerve with me. My biggest “inner” complaint is that I feel like I’m always doing something for someone else. What a freeing thought, to just shut the f up and do what you want! I love that you’re doing this, and while I haven’t been a part of your blog for long, I feel that you’re strong enough to do this. And even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll be strong enough to come on home. With lots of lessons. But isn’t everyday a lesson of some sort anyway? Now I’ll have to ponder pulling my own “trigger” on a decision I’ve been pondering for awhile. Have fun!
Miss Norma Jane…PULL THE TRIGGER!!!! :) Do it. And I know what you mean…it’s easy to just do what others want and it’s even easier to not realize at all that that’s what’s happening. Thanks so much for following along and for all your support. I do believe that there are lessons in everyday happenings, for sure. And even more so when you’re stretching yourself beyond what you’re used to. Here’s to pulling the trigger.
Sally! Your action and thoughts inspire me to no end. I love that you are staying in Montana – such a beautiful place and one more reason for me to pass on through on my own travels one day (soon). I look forward to reading more about your continued adventures in Montana.
I’m grateful for love, friends, family, laughter, being surprised every day, and to have a place in this world today. :)
YEAH YEAH YEAH!! And…they have a Girls For A Change org there too. I remember we talked about that briefly when I met you. Definitely pass on through, I’d love that.
hey, sally – what an exciting new adventure!
i like the image you conjured up of your new apartment in bozeman
having grown up in northern idaho close to the montana border, i can appreciate the beauty of that area
(in fact, my nomadic family and i spend part of our winters there each year)
have fun in your new surroundings
Oh wow! I LOVE that part of Idaho. Where exactly were you? And thank you so much for writing in and sharing. Don’t be a stranger.
I cant believe your doing this! good for you! it makes me sad to think that your gonna be so far away! but good luck! im super happy that your pulling the trigger. when are you moving? wow. wow. wow. is all i have to say.
I know, right?! It’s crazy. And also feels so right. I’m sad to be far away from you all too, but I’ll make sure to come back for the reunions every year. AND you must come visit me. It’s so beautiful. And the gun laws are lax. :) I’m leaving at the end of this month.
Oh, my. I’m so happy you found your “comfy vet office”! Hopefully you’ll be hosting visitors (*hint hint*). Aforementioned b/f owns property west of Anaconda near Big Horn Camp Ground. Two reasons now to head to Montana! (BTW, shared the hunting blog & my post w/him. He was impressed & is dying to know where you went pheasant hunting…hehehe!)
Meanwhile, this week grateful for getting to read about your adventures. Following my heart, but taking my brain along for the ride. Having b/f, friends, family, neighbors and a doctor taking such good care of me post-op. Our world class Bay Area sports teams! And my new-found love of Country music! (Hope you got those cd’s!)
Girl…I will TOTALLY host you! And whoever else wants to come visit. For the first time, I’m really proud of a place I’m living and I want to show it off. I want to find all thebest places so that when loved ones come visit, I can show them a good time. So…YES!!! As for the pheasant hunt, it was up in Belt, which is near Great Falls.
I love that you said “following my heart, but taking my brain along for the ride.” Man! That totally sums it up. It’s absolutely the way to go. Lead with heart, but bring the brain. That’s a tweetable. As for the country music…girl, I’m already on the train!
Shoot! PS…love my eggs so many different ways. Happy and comfortable with them all!
Grateful for you, Coach! Thanks for all your inspiration, coaching and guidance. It’s awesome to see how far I’ve come in 2 years under with your help!
All the best to you in the future,
Damn! I’m grateful for YOU, my dear, who was among my first five clients EVER. Hahhahahah! Can you believe it?! It’s been absolutely incredible to see what you’ve built these past two years. I’m in awe of you, for reals.
You better keep in touch!
Oh Sally – After our talk this afternoon, I headed right over here and I am beyond excited for your move! You continue to inspire me to do things for myself, to understand why I’m doing them (or that I don’t need to), and to follow my heart. I’m sooo very grateful to have you as a coach and that I stumbled across your website last year… and finally called you months later.
You are very, very brave and I just hope that I can be as brave and as persistent in following my heart as you are.
Today I’m very thankful for ending our hiatus, my supportive husband who lets me be me, laughing out loud, my nieces and nephews who love me unconditionally, long distance friendships that work, a full fridge after grocery shopping, thunderstorms, and icecream. Oh, and eggs over medium with toast. :)
Miss Dani, my dear. I love you. And it will all be great. :)
And I’m so glad you’re in my life too. I feel so lucky to get to talk to such engaging, smart, sparked, interesting, passionate people, such as yourself. For this kind of person, life sometimes feels uncertain, as you know. But having the desire to create the kind of life you really want is the most important step. The rest is just details. And details usually come to us as we’re living life and following our hearts. Keep on living lady! And talk next week.
LOVE your list. Thank you for sharing.
What, what, what!?! Just now reading this and I’M SO STOKED for YOU :) Congrats on your decision. Race would approve. He’s a Montana boy at heart. And you know, I’m giving you the big GREEN LIGHT! PS: I’m still only a phone call away. xoxo
Thank you lady! I’m happy to get your guys’ approval. Come visit!! :)