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Don’t Tell Me What To Do: A Guide To Being Spiritual

  I had a conversation recently that really pissed me off. I’d like to share it with you, not just to rant or anything, but because what I realized as a result of that conversation could be helpful to YOU, too. But before I jump into that, a quick story: Back in high school I was confused. I mean, who […]

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How To Be Nice When You Want To Be An A-hole Instead

I was listening to this Bjork song earlier. Bobbing my head along. Imagining I was back on stage swinging my hair all around. Being all angsty and rock n rolly on stage. And then I listened to the words “And if you complain once more, you’ll meet an army of me.” Which is basically saying “I can’t listen to you […]

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How To Manifest Like a Mutha In Four Easy Steps

  The other day, something so unbelievable happened, that I still don’t really know what to think about it. I was given a free, 1983 Honda Nighthawk motorcycle, in mint condition from a complete stranger, essentially just for walking down the street at exactly the right moment. This also happened to be pretty much the exact motorcycle I had been […]

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Let Go Or Be Dragged (what God has to do with my forced vacation)

Not last week, but the week before (“24 robbers came knocking at my door” just kidding but extra points for anyone who knows what that’s from…anywho…moving on) I took a vacation. I know this doesn’t seem like news. And it isn’t really. But in my own personal life, it was of very significant importance. The Sunday before my vacation started, […]

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