Put content here that you want to highlight for your viewers if it makes sense.


Worst Valentine’s Day Ever

It was 2008 and I was with my boyfriend at the time. I was “too cool” for Valentine’s Day (“stupid Hallmark holiday,” and “why should we only have ONE day to celebrate love for each other…we should appreciate each other every day” sorta thing). And so I told him “we don’t need to celebrate. I think it’s a stupid holiday.” […]

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What Do Your Scars Say About You?

The other day I looked down at my arm to see one of my scars. It’s a round, deep scar, about the size of a cigarette butt. Because that’s what it’s from. It was 2004. I was fresh out of college and ready to PARTY. I was working at the coolest boutique in town, slinging whisky at the best bar […]

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I don’t fit into your box. And I don’t want to.

  I’ve never been one of those girls that dreamed of her wedding day. I don’t much like to cook. Or clean. I’m not 100% sure whether or not I want kids. I love adventure and travel and wild experiences. I’m a homebody. An introvert. I like a good and expensive bourbon. But I almost never drink enough to get […]

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Trying To ‘Get Rid Of Your Fear’ Is Stupid

Dear Personal Development Blogger, I totally get it. You live an epically awesome, totally off the charts life. You travel. You go on adventures. You have freedom. You “CRUSH” the voices in your head that tell you you can’t do something. You tell fear to “get a new job!!” and then you go off and travel to the world all […]

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Why Your Bank Account Is The Least Relevant Thing On The Planet

Dear Online Business Owner, I just wanted to write and say congrats on the killer/amazeballs/financially lucrative/ridic-out-of-this world 2013 you had. How do I know you had a killer/amazeballs/financially lucrative/ridic-out-of-this world 2013? Because you keep telling me. And as an online business owner myself, I know why you’re doing this. You want to communicate to me the types of changes I […]

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