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Her breath on my neck and I could have sworn it was….

Last night, my dog breathed on my neck as she nuzzled up to me on my pillow and I could have sworn it was him.  Her warm breath on my neck after a deep inhale and a big sigh. The breathing…in and out…as our ribs ebbed and flowed against each other in the same rhythm. The warmth from our bodies […]

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He said this over curry…

“I just don’t want to see you lose your shine” he said over a shared plate of chicken curry. And he would know a thing or two about my shine…he’s seen my shiniest days as the lead singer/magic-maker/co-creator of my band. He saw me hit the rockstar pose every night. He saw a line of people wanting me to sign […]

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Meditation To Fulfill Your Destiny

  Everyone knows that meditation, as we think of it, is boring. Who can sit there for an hour and try to “clear your mind?” Hardly anyone is the answer. Although I love that kind of meditation and find it really valuable, the thing I love about Kundalini meditations is that they are SPECIFIC. The instructions aren’t “sit there and […]

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New Moon Meditation For Setting Intentions

I’m writing this to you from one of my favorite coffee shops in town. Where I sip my hot green tea in a window seat watching all the Main Street walkers pass by. Today, as I’m writing, I notice the breeze in the air, mostly because it is causing the branches on the tree in front of the window to […]

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Because Slapping Strangers Isn’t Acceptable

Because Slapping Strangers Isn’t Acceptable It’s the changing of a season. That time when we put away our bathing suits and sunscreen and we start to break out our closed toed shoes and favorite tea. (apricot green for me in case you’re curious) It’s also the time when kids go back to school. Life has to settle back into a […]

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