Put content here that you want to highlight for your viewers if it makes sense.


On not doing what all the internet marketers tell you to do

It’s 2:46 pm. Which is about 6 hours later than I intended to post this. My original intention was that I’d wake up super early. Meditate. Eat breakfast slowly. And then write to you. I know all email marketers will tell you you to 1) Keep your posts short!; and 2) Write them ahead of time so you can bulk […]

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THIS is the moment I wanted to share with you

I had a completely different post ready to go for you today. But as I sit here at my kitchen table, with my green tea steaming in my favorite mug to my left, my new green sharpie in my hand writing in my journal to my right, and looking up to my backyard completely blanketed with snow right in front […]

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“Why you gotta be so mean?”

  Last night I was watching a live stream from a well known blogger. She’s smart. She’s gorgeous. She works hard. And she’s accomplished. Ever the fan of “makeover” stories where people show commitment and determination to get from “Undesirable Point A” to “Desirable Point B,” I was getting sucked into her story: depressed goth girl who cuts herself and […]

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When you want to hide (but don’t do it…do this instead)

A couple weeks ago I *thought* I got pink eye. It turns out it was a stye, which I thought would be better, except of course that my stye turned into what looks like a giant whitehead zit/huge bee sting on my eyelid. And from the way I’ve been acting and feeling about it, you’d think that I committed the […]

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