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I wasn’t gonna admit this…but then I did

  “I don’t think I know how to love myself,” …is what I said to myself one morning about 9 months ago. Which, when the thought really sunk in as a truth, felt very foreign and almost impossible. “Of course I know how to love myself” I thought right after that. “I know I’m smart and interesting and capable and […]

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I’m Back. With The Black Eyed Peas. And We Need Your Help.

  They tell you to blog. And to say things that will help your customer. Help them actually, but also help them so that they “know like and trust you.” If you’ve ever done any bit of marketing, you’ll know that I’m talking about customers and selling. And that is what the blogging world tends to be focused on. How […]

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Ever wanted to create a business and a life you love?

It was six years ago and I had just finished coaching school. I had gone there because it felt like a calling. Something that just pulled to me. Something that when I read the description of what a “life coach” did my body felt warm and my heart felt full and my mind said YES. I knew this was something […]

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New Years Resolutions suck, but this is awesome

I can’t believe it’s already almost 2016! It feels like just yesterday that I was house-sitting for my friend Molly, waking up in her sun-filled house and writing in my journal about my previous year and what I intended for the following year. I took this pic right as I was writing in my journal and it seems to be […]

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Welcome, Wildheart!