November 21st, 2013
I almost got my ass kicked…

So click HERE to grab your spot before they’re all gone.
Just wanted to say thank you for hanging in there with me during the enrollment period.
After today…my posts will go back to heart-centered blogging and Wildheart tips.
And to say thanks…I wanted to share another story with you.
A little bit ago, business mentor and friend, Erika Lyremark said something to me that didn’t make sense until right now.
She said, “To be in business is to be a gladiator.”
And without getting totally distracted by thinking of hot, muscly men with killer abs duking it out in the ring…I totally get what she’s saying.
Anytime you do something bold or out of the norm you run the risk of losing.
Each time you get in the ring, you might be embarrassed. Or fail. Or get your ass kicked. Or do something that people don’t like.
And after you’re done in the ring, you have two choices.
To not ever get in that ring again. Or to keep showing up.
As I was thinking about this, I realized that this doesn’t just apply to business. It applies to everything in life.
In life, we are always running the risk of losing or failing or being hurt or embarrassed.
Especially if you have a big dream.
We never know when we step into the ring of that day whether or not we’ll be triumphant, or whether or not someone will throw that one punch that puts us down for the count.
And we have two choices…to either show up to each fight. Or not.
Lately…this has been ringing true more than ever.
Enrollment for the Wildheart Revolution opened up on Monday. And with the flood of “OMG I’m in and I’m SOOOOO excited emails” I’ve also got a ton of other not so excited correspondence.
This is par for the course when you have your own business. Some people love you and some people hate you. And the more that you put yourself out there, the more polarizing you become.
And this is what it is to be a gladiator. This is what it is to be a #WILDHEART.
When you do something that matters, yes…you DO run the risk of people throwing tomatoes or insults at you in the ring, but you’re also in the ring for a cause. Whether that be a personal battle, or something you’d like to create in the world.
I do feel like a gladiator most of the time. And I bet you do too.
You…reading this…are a Wildheart.
As a #wildheart…there is no choice for us. No matter how many times we get knocked down (and literally sometimes it feels like endless knocking down), we will not stop getting in the ring.
Wanna know why?
Because we have no other choice. Because we weren’t put on this earth to go quietly. To do what everyone else is doing.
I’m not here, with all these visions of a world where people are living completely fulfilled and awake and aware and totally as themselves, to just go quietly into that good night.
And neither are you.
And that’s exactly why I created the Wildheart Revolution.
Us gladiators need support. We need tools. We need training. We need someone to wipe our brow when the blood and the sweat gets to be too much. We need someone to celebrate with us when we win. We need help learning new skills so we can fight better next time. And for someone to say…you gave one HELL of a fight…good job.
That is the Wildheart Revolution.
We’re your gladiators in crime. Your partners. Your friends. And never before has getting in the ring been more fun.
This is the LAST DAY of registration before the doors to the Wildheart Revolution officially close TONIGHT at 11:59 EST.
I want you in the ring with us. This is your shot. I don’t know where it will lead us, but I know it will change us.
The doors are closing TONIGHT. There are limited spots left.
So suit up, gladiator, and let’s get in the ring.
On your side,