In my last post I mentioned that I manifested a free Jeep, and although I’m going to tell you the whole story soon, today I wanted to share a story about a girl who took my last 40 Day Meditation Challenge. It’s easy for me, the person selling this program, to say how it affected me, but the beauty is in the changes I’ve seen from everyone else.

It’s a bit long (but SO worth the read) so, if you don’t want to read the whole thing know this: 1) She went from an abusive relationship in a town and job she hated, to living in her dream beach town, opening up her own extremely successful and sought after business, and dating an amazing man. All within 6 months of doing this meditation. Early bird ends tomorrow so if you want to skip the story and join us, click here.

Now…onto Julie’s story…

“Almost a year ago, I participated in Sally’s Kundalini meditation program. At the time, I had recently left a long-term (7+ years) domestic relationship that was very abusive, moved to another state with hardly any of my belongings, no where to live, and no car. I was able to transfer with my job, but it was a new location, new people and everything was different.

I was renting a small, furnished guest cottage (for 3x the rent I was paying in Utah and making less money). The few things I had (mostly clothes) were spread out between a friend’s storage unit, my brother’s’ garage and a tiny closet. I was stressed about money, about where I was going to live, about the new job, about my break-up. I was extremely heartbroken and anxiety-ridden.

I bought a used car and within a couple weeks it completely stopped working and I just had to cut my financial losses. Everyday was hard just to get myself to work and have food in the fridge. I had to Uber or walk everywhere… and it was the rainy season. I think the hardest part was that I craved any sort of comfort but there was NO familiarity. Every thing in my life was changing and it was hard. At times I just wanted to sleep in my own bed or curl up in my ex-boyfriend’s arms or just eat soup out of my favorite bowl but I couldn’t have any comfort. I was drinking too much too… that’s pretty much all I could do to get out of my head.

When Sally first told me about the course, I thought there was no way I was up for any kind of challenge or extra time obligation. I was was consistently late for work already and the hours were long and sporadic. After work (and this was a pushy, stressful sales-job where I didn’t exactly fit in) I just wanted to go “home” and drink wine so I could get through the rest of the evening and sleep and do it all over again. My mornings were hectic and I couldn’t imagine having the time to sit and meditate (or even wash my hair for that matter).

I don’t remember exactly what it was that made me join, but WOW!! This mediation SAVED ME!

Let me just skip forward real quick here, so you know what I mean and then I can explain more about why I loved Sally’s program and why I think it worked for me, and will for you. Now, less than one year later, I live in my dream little cottage in Santa Barbara, I quit my job in April and opened my own awesome clothing boutique in the hottest district in town (near the beach). I’m making way more money and have been featured in 6 publications (without even doing any marketing yet). I am creating every day. I am dating an awesome man and have been traveling a little when I can. My health is excellent. I run almost everyday and do pilates and workout with a personal trainer. I have reconnected with so many friends and I feel happy and dynamic and supported and loved.

The changes I have gone through this year have been incredible. I truly think Sally’s program was the catalyst. I had never really meditated before, but here is what I found: I looked forward to it everyday. It cleared my crazy head. I was able to relax and see things more calmly and clearly and it was exciting to me to visualize the way I wanted my life to be, instead of focusing on the stress that it was.

One of my favorite parts was “taking out the trash” of my mind. I was no longer frazzled when I was getting ready for work. I was actually able to show up on time, looking and feeling good and prepared for my day. I felt a calm confidence that I just had to do what I had to do and worrying about everything else was a waste of time. It became clear to me that if I lived in the present moment and did the best I could right now, it would pave the way for the life that I know is mine. And things started to shift. It’s easy to get caught up in fear and also to be paralyzed by past events. From my experience, if you can get that stuff out of your head, you can focus on the present and do good things. Meditation is key. Meditation, to me, is getting that crap out of your head and making room for all the good stuff.

I know this is a long testimonial, but I am beyond grateful for Sally’s assistance and direction with this and I obviously think it would help anyone in any situation. It’s a great tool to learn. Another thing that’s very cool, is now, when I get stressed or overwhelmed or unsure, I know that I can choose to quiet my mind and re-direct my focus through mediation.

If you, like me, are concerned about time, I promise you’ll end up having more time to get things done because you won’t be running around all frazzled and disorganized.

I have also read so many articles about very successful people (and believe me, they are way busier than you and I) and one thing many of them have in common is they get up early and meditate.

I love you Sally!!!!! <3 <3 <3”

Reading Julie’s testimonial made me cry. Her story is so beautiful and her story is ALL of our stories. None of us have the time. All of us are going through something hard. Most of us don’t know how to get out of the hole we’re in that seems way too deep.

And what I’ve found for myself and hundreds of others who have gone through meditations with me, is sometimes, just committing to yourself that you want change to happen, changes everything.

Early bird pricing for this 40 Day Meditation Challenge (where we will be closing out 2017 by letting go of anything in the way of our best life, and intentionally creating our 2018) ends tomorrow so make sure you get on in today by clicking here and scrolling down to the “HELL YES I’M IN” button. Send me an email if you have any questions at all and I can’t wait to read your success story. :)

