May 4th, 2012
I Love Friday: New Hair. Sharp Shooting. Natural Beauty.
It’s so easy to be in our heads and think about how much things ARE NOT going the way we want, or focusing on things we DON’T have. So…I’ve decided, that at least once a week, on Fridays, I’m going to put together a list of things that I love. Things that inspire me. That I’m grateful for. Or happy about. And I encourage you to do the same! Here goes…
I’m grateful for sunshine. And where I grew up. My silly, funny, sassy grandma. Friends and family. Tenderness and vulnerability. The gun range and how going there stretches my boundaries and how I learned that I’m pretty good at shooting! For natural beauty…the nature kind. My clients. Bernardo Mendez. Good quality tea. Love. Learning. GGM. Helen House. A soft fuzzy blanket. A slight breeze. Laughter. And all of these things:

I love my new haircut. Ann, at 19 Blue has been rocking my hair since 2002.

Favorite new Wednesday night activity. Ladies Night at Shooters Paradise. Free lane fees.

I learned my sassy pants skills and my Crazy 8's skills from this woman, Grandma Pat

Beautiful tree right outside my house.

My favorite tea, PG Tips. Out of my favorite mug. Yummmmm.
Now you go! Leave a comment below with all the things you are grateful for today.
Much LOVE. X’s. O’s.
I love you my friend!!!!!
I am also incredibly grateful for you in my life.
Thank you, thank you, so much for your light, kindness, friendship and vulnerability. For leading by example and for having a bigger heart than this world we live in.
Te adoro,
Much much much love. Thank you for shining the flashlight.
I love this idea, Sally. Grateful Friday. TGIF… Try Gratitude – Its Friday!
OH MY GOSH MOM!!! TGIF!!!! So brilliant!!! I’m gonna use that. And by the way, what are YOU grateful for today? :)
I’m so grateful I only needed a battery replaced this morning and not anything more $$$…that I could afford to go get some Cinco de Mayo “weekend treats” at Whole Foods…for Friday evenings with some wine and a Giants game (this simpleness of it all!) and the whole warm, sunny weekend ahead of me. And most of all, I’m truly grateful for awesome people who remind me to be grateful!
Your hair looks lovely, Sally! Carry on!
Lisa!! I LOVE YOUR GRATITUDE LIST!! And I’m grateful for YOU for leaving a comment and sharing. :)
I am grateful for light, life and love. For new friends that seem somehow to care even when they shouldn’t. I am grateful for the world I see through my lens, the world I see with cross cultural eyes, and the world I feel. I am grateful for new life, new possibilities and new hope. I am grateful for my three “incarnations” of work that at least let me pay the bills. I am grateful for greatfulness, that feeling that while I seem somehow so small, there is a great world out there just at the edge of the map.