Put content here that you want to highlight for your viewers if it makes sense.


Why do I even bother?

Last night I made beets for dinner (among other things because who eats just beets for dinner??) And as I was doing that, I grew more and more annoyed. The process for beet-making (in case you don’t already know) can be a bit tedious. First, you have to wash them. Then cut off both ends. Then you have to boil […]

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What To Do About The Fact That Change Is Hard

I am currently curled up in a ball on the floor, bawling. Uncontrollable tears. Sadness. Feelings of loss. Abandonment. I can barely breathe. And it’s moments like these that I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself. I am in one of those phases (and I KNOW you know which one I’m talking about) where my heart feels […]

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My Motorcycle + The Problem With The Internet

I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to you today. I started and erased this blog a million times. The words were just not coming. And sometimes…when I’m supposed to tell you about things I’m up to (like my brand new Wildheart Montana Retreat that is going to knock your socks off), I get all weird when I […]

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