Put content here that you want to highlight for your viewers if it makes sense.


When you lose your shit over something minor

I am sitting here in my guest bedroom. The room I have deemed ripe for creativity today. Trying to finish this post, which I started days ago. This post was to be the one to explain where the heck I’ve been and why my experiences from the last three years have taken me out of the blogging/business game completely. I […]

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Because we want “This is Us” not “Singles”

I have a very important question! :) Do you ever walk into the grocery store at this time of year, and see all the heart balloons and chocolates displayed for Valentine’s Day and say to yourself “OH F YOU!” not because you hate love, but because you love love, which makes you sad because your current relationship status looks more […]

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When It’s Time To Get Rid Of Your (Metaphorical) Christmas Tree

This morning I woke up and the first thing I did (after of course yoga, meditating, and drinking lemon water…lol j/k…I didn’t do that) was check my phone to see where the Christmas tree recycling facilities were. You might be wondering why I would do such a thing, and to be honest, I was wondering the same thing myself. I’m […]

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25 of the Coolest Gifts Ever (under $40)

So….the holidays are my favorite time of year. I love when the weather gets cold and the leg warmers come out. When having hot tea or cocoa with your friends is a completely suitable nighttime activity. When the Christmas music plays and the Christmas lights go up and the ridiculous huge blow-up snowman shows up on my neighbors lawn (I’m […]

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When You Can’t Find The Girl You Once Were…

  * This is a bit of a long one so if you don’t want to read the whole thing…scroll down to the bottom to find out about a super cool 40 Day Challenge I’m running* Carrying on… I’m not sure if it was the Bangles “Manic Monday” (my favorite song from when I was 9) that came on Pandora, […]

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Welcome, Wildheart!