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How To Be A Fearless Badass (in four easy steps)

There is a lot of talk in the personal development world about FEAR. And for good cause. Our fears are the things that stop us from everything we truly want in our lives. But there’s a conversation around fear in this world that I just don’t like and it goes a little something like this: “CRUSH YOUR FEARS!!!!” “KICK YOUR […]

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The Three Words That Will Save Your Life

The other day I was standing in my bathroom. Absolutely, utterly furious. About something that now that I look back on it, was really not a big deal. AT ALL. And as I was fuming and aggressively putting my clothes on the hanger and throwing my shoes angrily into the closet, I had these thoughts: “This is BULLSHIT and I […]

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So you’re thinking about B-School eh?? I SO get it. Once upon a time, about five years ago, I was a brand new baby coach, not realizing that what “being a coach” meant, was that I was going to have to be a BUSINESS OWNER. Yikes! And after freaking out for about two weeks, I finally stumbled upon the program that […]

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