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What’s Wrong With You. (The Thing No One Wants To Tell You.)

What’s wrong with me? What I asked when I felt sick to my stomach after being accepted into my top choice grad school for a Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s degree, and wanted nothing more than to not go. What’s wrong with me? What I asked myself when I wasn’t wanting to be with the guy that seemed “perfect on […]

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10 Fun Ways To Practice “Being Enough” Right Now

Today’s post on “being enough” is part of an awesome blog tour headed up by my friend and colleague, Andrea Owen of Your Kick-Ass Life. Starting February 1st she’s hosting something amazing: The Kick-Ass Courage Project: 7 Day Challenge. She’s challenging women just like you to do two Very Important Things. 1) Start cultivating self kindness and self compassion and […]

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The Fail Proof Method To Making The Right Choice In Your Life

This week, something funny happened. I realized that…I got what I asked for. And you might be thinking “ok great…good for you…so what?” and that’s fair. I’d probably be thinking the same thing. But in noticing that I got what I wanted (which if you remember one of my last blog posts I asked for “dual residencies in both Montana […]

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Change Starts Here (no…seriously)

Girls Guide To Making REAL Changes Last night I did something that I do almost every night before bed. I wash my face, brush my teeth, put on chapstick, and then I go to get into my pajamas. And then…I promptly throw all of my clothes on the floor. To be fair, it’s not like I actually throw them. It’s […]

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