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Don’t Hide Your Brown Toothbrush! A Manifesto For Wildhearting. (Plus, Self-Care Rocks.)

The other day, I did something absolutely ridiculous. I was brushing my teeth with this new amazing toothpaste (well, tooth powder). I know this doesn’t sound newsworthy yet, but stay with me because there’s a story in here that relates to you, I promise! So this particular tooth powder is different and unique. 100% natural, and super good for my […]

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8 Easy Ways To Earn Six Figures In Your Business Within One Year

Ok. I have to apologize already. Because I hate this conversation. And the title of my blog even more than you do. And unfortunately, conversations like this happen WAY more than I’d like in business groups and circles. It seems that everyone and their mom who has ever started a business has the illustrious “six figure goal” and not only […]

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Dear Dad, Thanks For Dying. Love, Sally

It was 1995. The year that the 49’ers won the Super Bowl. Claudia Shiffer was the best babe on the block, the quote “Houston we have a problem” was born, and teenagers around the globe were listening to Alanis Morisette’s Jagged Little Pill (I definitely was). Drew Barrymore danced on a table for David Letterman, the George Forman grill was […]

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