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How To Make It Just Fall On Your Lap

This weekend I will be the last minute, guest/helper at a really cool event this weekend. It’s one of those situations that just falls into place in a way that is unexpected and delightful and reminds me that Grand Design is at play. So many things had to line up and happen (and fall through) for this event to take […]

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Confusion Doesn’t Exist…and why that’s a good thing

I’m gonna say something, and you might not like it. You might not like it because it might knock down a wall that you’ve been building for awhile. A wall that you might currently be standing behind. It might make you question when you say certain things, and you might not be able to say them anymore. Which might upset […]

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When Your View Changes, Your World Changes.

Last night I entered into a new world. And not that it was new in that is was somewhere else. It actually wasn’t. It was actually just 7 miles down the road from where I’ve been for the past year and a half. But that seven miles might as well have been a complete time warp. Or a bending of […]

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Am I still pretty?

This weekend at graduation from my Kundalini Teacher Training, I got a comment from my friend’s boyfriend that made me feel all kinds of things. I saw him on the street after the graduation ceremony ended, at which time, I had already taken my white turban off and let my hair down which was flowing in the afternoon wind. Correction…my turban […]

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Welcome, Wildheart!